Linux - ATDD
Sub Forums:
Important Threads
- Known Issues (Read FIRST) (0 Replies)
- Amnesia Dark Descent not start from the Hard Mode patch (9 Replies)
- ATDD screen closes silently under Ubuntu 18.04 (Steam) (2 Replies)
- Launching the Justine DLC outside of the default launcher (2 Replies)
- BUG: Portions of journal entry narration are missing/skipped. (17 Replies)
- Not able to move anymore... ;( (10 Replies)
- Release 1.3 patch file (1 Reply)
- All Frictional Games, and Outlast not detecting my wired 360 rock candy by pdp (1 Reply)
- I have lost my games key (2 Replies)
- My game crashed while moving to another location and now I cant load anymore :( (2 Replies)
- Can't install Amnesia the dark descent on Ubuntu 14.04 (4 Replies)
- Game closes when changing area or when saving (9 Replies)
- Mouse input issues when running Compiz with Rotate Cube plugin enabled (0 Replies)
- Turn off after loading (2 Replies)
- game crashes when entering archives (4 Replies)
- [split] [split] Not available for current Ubuntu (1 Reply)
- I can't find in ubuntu software center (4 Replies)
- Not Available for your Current Ubuntu Version (1 Reply)
- [split] Not available for current Ubuntu (4 Replies)
- How do I select full-screen monitor in a multi-monitor setup? (0 Replies)
- Not available for current Ubuntu (8 Replies)