I'd like to know how to make a custom painting using Maya 2011. I'm very new to it (as in I just got it about 15 minutes ago) and can't seem to follow along with written tutorials. If anyone could make a video showing how to make a custom painting and get it in Amnesia I'd really appreciate it!

I'm good with Photoshop and would like to switch from custom story making to custom painting making in my spare time due to school. Once again, if anyone could make one it'd be greatly appreciated by the entire forum, too! Thanks.
I have seen some threads about this - asking of paintings. So I have decided to take the time and create some files for people interested in making their own paintings.
The custom painting "toolkit":
I have included a photoshop file. What you do is to simply open that file, right-click the layer titled "Your picture" and select "edit contents". Insert or draw your image there. Then:
1. Ctrl+s.
Now the painting should be displayed with your picture. Save that file as a .dds (dxt5) - overwriting the previous .dds namned "customPainting_.dds".
OPTIONAL: If you are interested in creating further textures for this model refer to this guide:
Combined with google that should allow you to create more textures for this model.
You are all set to use it in game! Place it in a static folder or use ModelEditor to create an entity of it.
As for users not using photoshop, but some other picture editing software - open "the customPainting_.dds" and edit the gray area to a picture of your choice. Then save it.
Good luck & happy drawing!
Edit: I suggest you aptly name the thread according to its purpose

Thanks for the tutorial, tried it and it didn't work. /:
Just kidding lol. Had it in entities, put it in static_objects and it's there

Acies, do you know how to use different frames? The one you gave is horizontal, and I want a vertical frame. Any way to make/get one?
if it's symmetrical you could rotate it 90 degrees
By that I mean rotate your portrait image in photoshop 90 degrees (so it's horizontal). Then rotate the picture frame entity 90 degrees in level editor.
(09-09-2011, 09:18 PM)JenniferOrange Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the tutorial, tried it and it didn't work. /:
Just kidding lol. Had it in entities, put it in static_objects and it's there
Acies, do you know how to use different frames? The one you gave is horizontal, and I want a vertical frame. Any way to make/get one?
Sure. I'll get back to you on that. Would help if you wrote which "painting" model you wanted

Find one frame you like and post the name of it.
I really want painting02_04.dds frame.

Thanks for doing this!
I already tried this, the painting came out very funny looking so it doesn't work. /: Wish it was that simple.