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Full Version: Hermoor's models II
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I know this is probably already used a lot, but how bout a zombie model?
Hello Hermoor
Would you be interested to make a morgue model like this :
For my modern time custom story which is set in Asylium/Hospital

Much Appreciated Smile
A good looking bush that dosen't glitch the player would be really usefull for mazes or just a general touch to the game , if you that might be a good choise Smile Anyhow good luck on what ever projekt you choose.
Hey Hermoor. If you're still making models, there are two things I'll end up needing soon

--Dead male corpse, clothed and with hair
--Human heart
(03-21-2012, 06:59 AM)Damascus Wrote: [ -> ]--Dead male corpse, clothed and with hair
--Human heart

Oh dear! XD
It all depends on Hermoor's decison whether to do this or not, but clothed corpses would be really nice. For one, most people don't die naked!
Whatever happened to the Vittra you were making? It looked scarier than even the original monsters, AND it managed to be a naked female corpse at the same time. I realize that making a fullblown monster is quite a task, but please don't give up on at least making joints for it.
Oh hey yeah sorry I feel like making something, any suggestions Smile Something unique and interesting would be cool. Stereotypical zombies are boring, I think the old vittra fills that spot alright?
(04-06-2012, 06:59 PM)Hermoor Wrote: [ -> ]Oh hey yeah sorry I feel like making something, any suggestions Smile Something unique and interesting would be cool. Stereotypical zombies are boring, I think the old vittra fills that spot alright?
It's hard to tell you what you would find interesting. What is too easy and what is too hard for you?
I suspect that a noose for hanging people is one of those "too simple" things?
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