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(04-20-2012, 05:19 PM)Cranky Old Man Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-20-2012, 05:01 PM)Datguy5 Wrote: [ -> ]That girl is looking amazing!Keep up the good work.And btw can i use that too?
I intended it to be both for me and for the sake of the community, and my story will take time, so personally I have nothing against you or anyone using it. (Be sure to credit Hermoor.)
PS. If you make her a flying Jesus, I will haunt you. Please don't.

(04-20-2012, 04:48 PM)Hermoor Wrote: [ -> ]Well I could make her sleeves looser as in hanging further down. Though I don't think I can make them too loose since I don't think you will animate the cloth...when her arms would be moving around the cloth would be stiff...which would look odd. So I think we should try to keep it not so loose...but then again maybe you will be animating her cloth. I thought you said you had never animated anything in which case I doubt you will be able to animate her moving around...and animate a cloth simulation on top of that.

If you think you can do it I maybe could make the sleeves a bit looser. However at this point it's not possible to make her sleeves longer as in going further down her arm. I was following this when I modeled her hair...this is also what I'm looking at for the face. So I think quite a lot of the face will be seen, plus it just so happens to be the face that is most fun to texture so if you don't mind I'm going to try to make it super creepy...maybe some warts and dry skin...paler of course. Dark rings under her eyes...

Right now she looks grim, I want to get that facial expression of disgust...
You go with what you think looks best. Smile
I will try to animate the model later, but other people won't be as skilled, and I might require Maya, and that software costs serious money.
You can get maya for free if you get the student license of Maya 2011 Smile

(04-20-2012, 05:50 PM)SilentStriker Wrote: [ -> ]You can get maya for free if you get the student license of Maya 2011 Smile
Yes, I know, but I'm an old man living on my pension - I don't think I'm even allowed to become a student.

Any one can get the student license x)
there is always torrents....
The easy way (but not for me because my internet has 15 gig limit while in my country i use over 350 gig)
Ok here is an update to the face, I think the face is almost done, creepy girl? Keep in mind that there would be natural shadows when she goes ingame, so parts that seem very light right now like her forehead for example will be less noticable. Also I haven't touched the dress...
[Image: 1oq1lh.png]
(04-21-2012, 06:51 PM)Hermoor Wrote: [ -> ]Ok here is an update to the face, I think the face is almost done, creepy girl? Keep in mind that there would be natural shadows when she goes ingame, so parts that seem very light right now like her forehead for example will be less noticable. Also I haven't touched the dress...
[Image: 1oq1lh.png]
Impressive! Smile

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