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You forgot the suitors?
(01-05-2012, 08:37 PM)Googolplex Wrote: [ -> ]You forgot the suitors?
I heard of them... they are from Amnesia: Justine. I haven't played that game and forgot about them. I actually read about the game though. It didn't seem to be as scary sounding as Amnesia: The Dark Decent (and Justine herself doesn't sound very nice).
(01-05-2012, 09:14 PM)The Rock Worm Wrote: [ -> ]I heard of them... they are from Amnesia: Justine. I haven't played that game and forgot about them. I actually read about the game though. It didn't seem to be as scary sounding as Amnesia: The Dark Decent (and Justine herself doesn't sound very nice).

Oh oh, Justine is 20% more horror than the main game.

It isn't filled with much content, but it is scary as hell.
Shut down the lights, tune up your boxes and enjoy Justine!
But you can't save. When you died, then the game is over.

(01-06-2012, 04:37 PM)Googolplex Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2012, 09:14 PM)The Rock Worm Wrote: [ -> ]I heard of them... they are from Amnesia: Justine. I haven't played that game and forgot about them. I actually read about the game though. It didn't seem to be as scary sounding as Amnesia: The Dark Decent (and Justine herself doesn't sound very nice).

Oh oh, Justine is 20% more horror than the main game.

It isn't filled with much content, but it is scary as hell.
Shut down the lights, tune up your boxes and enjoy Justine!
But you can't save. When you died, then the game is over.
The little I tried of it I too noticed that you can't save. Being able to save (even if you can only save in this one spot) would really help. Still, Justine is the first playable female character in the Frictional Games universe. There is the potential of having a custom story as a female rather than a male.

The lack of save option wouldn't work in longer games, but since Justine is so short, it's actually quite functional. Some people tend to play recklessly when they know they're not punished in any way when dying. They know they'll spawn nearby and can try as many times as they want.

I like to watch let's plays and Amnesia reaction videos and it's become very rare to see someone who's playing "seriously": trying to be invisible and avoid contact with monsters at any cost. It's very common to see people throwing stuff at gatherers for seeing how long they can knock them back, jumping around if they happen to get stuck somehow, barricading them into a corner etc. ...I know, some people do it on purpose because they think it's funnier but still.

In Justine you really f**king die. It's so close to true life and death situation as you can get in a game. So you better not start goofying around like you probably do with endless lifes. Tongue
Justine is too hard for me. I never played the game to the end.
I'm familiar with the controls perfectly, but when the monsters come, I can't find a way to escape.
They're always coming to me and they are little faster than Justine. So they catched me always and then I lost fun to play again. I watched letsplays how it ended.
I would prefer when there would be two save points in the game.
Otherwise the game is frustrating.
(01-07-2012, 12:02 AM)Googolplex Wrote: [ -> ]Justine is too hard for me. I never played the game to the end.
I'm familiar with the controls perfectly, but when the monsters come, I can't find a way to escape.
They're always coming to me and they are little faster than Justine. So they catched me always and then I lost fun to play again. I watched letsplays how it ended.
I would prefer when there would be two save points in the game.
Otherwise the game is frustrating.
Now I never played Justine, but in case of faster monsters, all I can say is to move into a room and close the door. Then you have a few moments to hide or run some more. That or put yourself in between heavy boxes.

Nothing worse than brutes, escape is nearly impossible in most situations.
(01-07-2012, 02:26 AM)BlueFury Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing worse than brutes, escape is nearly impossible in most situations.
At least they make a metallic sound when walking to give you warning of its arrival, if he didn't have this then he'd be more terrifying!
(01-05-2012, 04:31 AM)The Rock Worm Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2012, 04:04 AM)Statyk Wrote: [ -> ]I picked "dogs" but where is the vote for the Hunter?? Sure, it was ditched, but my god, that thing scared the crap out of me... I feel like bringing it to life.
what or who is "Hunter"?
This a mod for Black Plague where they put the Hunter in place of the Infected:

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