So,I need loads of help! Please! So,as many problems have been seen for Macs and running Amnesia,sadly,I am one of them. I don't know exactly the source of the problem but I really would like if someone could help me figure out the problem! I'd be extremely please because I am DYING to play this game,and just knowing I own it but can't play it kills me. ;~; So just know,I am a huge idiot when it comes to understanding on how to fix things so please word it very simply ^^; Anyways I've been trying to set it up (For example I tried the Demo) It would just be a black screen for a sec,and then it would crash.
So I just got the game today,tried it and these are several messages it gave me :
This program cannot be run in DOS mode
Couldn’t open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize.
That's it. All I know is I'll do ANYTHING to have this fixed,so please,do tell me what's wrong,and if my mac info is needed as in for checking if all is right,then do say please. c:
Thank you!!!
General troubleshooting guide:
Graphics card troubleshooting guide:
Integrated / laptop graphics chipsets troubleshooting guide:
Are you trying the demo version of Amneisa or did you purchase it from the frictional store? the "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" implies you have the windows version of the game and not the mac version.
(02-21-2012, 03:01 PM)Urkle Wrote: [ -> ]Are you trying the demo version of Amneisa or did you purchase it from the frictional store? the "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" implies you have the windows version of the game and not the mac version.
Well,at first I did get the demo,and it would at first flicker a black screen and after wards send me a error code saying : Could not load main init file: config/main_init.cfg
So yesterday I got my hands on the game and it said for Vista/PC not for Mac,I thought it was all together. So there is specific one for the Mac? And no I did not purchase it from the frictional store,I went to the store and purchased it there. So also,what is wrong with my Mac demo because I am sure if when I get the correct version I suppose it'll also tell me this error right?
Also I want to thank you lots for replying to this question of mine! It is very appreciated! <3 ^^
The store bought version is only for Windows so it will not be able to run on a Mac.
The error with the demo could be that your computer does not match the requierments needed to run the game.
(02-22-2012, 06:15 AM)jens Wrote: [ -> ]The store bought version is only for Windows so it will not be able to run on a Mac.
The error with the demo could be that your computer does not match the requierments needed to run the game.
Yeah,I just realized this that it will not work. Sadly. But did they release a Mac version you can buy at the store?
I see,by any chance do you know what may be the main reason or main requirement I am missing?
(02-22-2012, 08:55 AM)jens Wrote: [ -> ]No Mac version in the store. The requierments are listed for example here:
So I'd have to download it online? Thank you,I checked,so far I have the processor and memory fine. I assume as well for the OS. Do you know where I can check the disk space of my Mac and the Video card? Thank you for the link btw~ c:
(02-22-2012, 08:55 AM)jens Wrote: [ -> ]No Mac version in the store. The requierments are listed for example here:
By any chance do you know how I'd update my graphics card or what can I do to it for it to work?
You can see what card you have in Apple Menu -> About This Mac - > More Info... -> Hardware -> Graphics / Displays.
(02-27-2012, 09:30 AM)jens Wrote: [ -> ]You can see what card you have in Apple Menu -> About This Mac - > More Info... -> Hardware -> Graphics / Displays.
This is what it said :
Intel GMA X3100:
Chipset Model: GMA X3100
Type: Display
Bus: Built-In
VRAM (Total): 144 MB
Vendor: Intel (0x8086)
Device ID: 0x2a02
Revision ID: 0x0003
Color LCD:
Resolution: 1280 x 800
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Built-In: Yes
Display Connector:
Status: No Display Connected