I've been looking for an explanation on how to install amnesia full conversion mods on linux, and so far all I've found is "same as windows except you need proper permissions" when there's no redist folder or anything to convert the mod into

Assume the "redist" folder is the working directory of Amnesia. Then you'll have to run Amnesia through the terminal passing in the path of the main_init.cfg file of the full conversion. (You trying to install White Night?)
(08-02-2012, 07:32 PM)Your Computer Wrote: [ -> ]Assume the "redist" folder is the working directory of Amnesia. Then you'll have to run Amnesia through the terminal passing in the path of the main_init.cfg file of the full conversion. (You trying to install White Night?)
I was for a while but it was only windows, and what do I actually have to type in to the terminal? I'm not that good at the commands
(08-02-2012, 10:38 PM)IsaacJGL Wrote: [ -> ]I was for a while but it was only windows, and what do I actually have to type in to the terminal? I'm not that good at the commands
The full conversion most likely came with a BAT file. Open the file in a text editor and replace
Amnesia.exe with
Amnesia.bin (if your system is 32-bit) or
Amnesia.bin64 (if your system is 64-bit). You can then select everything in the BAT file and paste that into a terminal after changing directory (cd command) into the working directory of Amnesia. Or, after editing and saving the changes of the BAT file, you can just change the permissions of the BAT file to be treated as an executable and then just launch the BAT file.