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Full Version: (ON HOLD) Male Voice Actor Wanted - Deep Tones, No Accents.
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(When I say no accents, I mean I would like no accent to come through really, not even your lovely homegrown ones Wink )

Hey guys! I'm working on a rather large project at the moment, and I've almost finished with the intro scene, just have to fiddle with it a bit to get it right, but what's left to do at the moment, really, is just the voice acting. I'm planning to do it one bit at a time, and perfect each step before moving onto the next, so I will require small dialogues/monologues over a long period of time. (Also, a sequel may be a possibility, so this might require long-term availability, if possible.)

There will be multiple, short, story-embellishing scenes including the main character and a doctor, similar to that of the great "White Night", and the story starts with such a scene.

Here's the script:

Doctor AM: Mr. Matthew Jones. Welcome to our institution.

Main Character: Where am I?! Who are y-

Doctor AM: Shhh now, Matthew. Hush hush. We have plenty of time for questions, but give me a chance to explain first. I am Dr. Andrey Muggliev, head of the operation here at our little playground.

Main Character: P-P-Play..ground?

Doctor AM: Your mind, Matthew, your mind is our playground.

Main Character: What do you mean?

Doctor AM: Enough with the questions! Nurse! Come, quickly! Administer the injection, and you, make sure he's wired up, and let's run the program! Let us see how his mind handles fear!

Main Character: *Moan/Grunt as he falls unconscious*

I'm looking for someone to voice the Main Character, but I'd like him to sound quite badass Wink In this scene however, he is to appear dazed and confused, aswell as a bit scared.

Just a quick img to show that there is an actual project and that it isn't just nothing :
Spoiler below!


my voice isnt the deepest but...
(08-11-2012, 01:11 AM)omyblob1103 Wrote: [ -> ]my voice isnt the deepest but...
Of course, anyone is welcome to try Smile
I'd love to give it a shot.
(08-11-2012, 10:14 AM)The Shanus Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-11-2012, 01:11 AM)omyblob1103 Wrote: [ -> ]my voice isnt the deepest but...
Of course, anyone is welcome to try Smile
well ill try. why not right? so how are we going about it?
I'll try it out, but how do you pronounce the doctors name? Fuck i don't know this is my regular recording. it sucks. your welcome
Just read the lines of the Main Character or Doctor with small breaks between :] I can edit it. It's pronounced like Un-Dray MooGlee-Et

Levo, record yourself reading the script, and do it with some emotion [;
(08-10-2012, 05:14 PM)The Shanus Wrote: [ -> ](When I say no accents, I mean I would like no accent to come through really, not even your lovely homegrown ones Wink )

Hey guys! I'm working on a rather large project at the moment, and I've almost finished with the intro scene, just have to fiddle with it a bit to get it right, but what's left to do at the moment, really, is just the voice acting. I'm planning to do it one bit at a time, and perfect each step before moving onto the next, so I will require small dialogues/monologues over a long period of time. (Also, a sequel may be a possibility, so this might require long-term availability, if possible.)

There will be multiple, short, story-embellishing scenes including the main character and a doctor, similar to that of the great "White Night", and the story starts with such a scene.

Here's the script:

Doctor AM: Mr. Matthew Jones. Welcome to our institution.

Main Character: Where am I?! Who are y-

Doctor AM: Shhh now, Matthew. Hush hush. We have plenty of time for questions, but give me a chance to explain first. I am Dr. Andrey Muggliev, head of the operation here at our little playground.

Main Character: P-P-Play..ground?

Doctor AM: Your mind, Matthew, your mind is our playground.

Main Character: What do you mean?

Doctor AM: Enough with the questions! Nurse! Come, quickly! Administer the injection, and you, make sure he's wired up, and let's run the program! Let us see how his mind handles fear!

Main Character: *Moan/Grunt as he falls unconscious*

I'm looking for someone to voice the Main Character, but I'd like him to sound quite badass Wink In this scene however, he is to appear dazed and confused, aswell as a bit scared.

Just a quick img to show that there is an actual project and that it isn't just nothing :
Spoiler below!


I'd love to be part of your story. As far as accents go I am Scottish in origins, but here is my audition.

If the accent is wrong I also have an audition I used about a month ago for an amnesia custom quest.
The guy wanted the character to sound like Daniel.
Registered just for this thread just now. I can send in an audition whenever, I'm curious if you just want auditions for the main character or lines for both from the dialogue you've listed, because I voice act quite often and I'm pretty interested in starting to get into the mod community for voicing.
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