Hello everyone,
On these forums I read that almost everyone is scared by the game, so I wonder if the people here are adults ( older than 18 ) or teens ( between 12 and 18 ). Because I can't inmagine people being scared by a game when they are an adult. I don't mean to insult anyone if they are adult , but I have made my father and brother both play the game and they didn't even react at all, so I wonder if that also counts for other adults.
Ps. You don't have to tell your age or anything, I just want to know if anyone knows if the Amnesia players are adults or teens.
You have to be in the right mood to play the game, I'm 15 and it doesn't scare me at all, except when im talking to people whilst i play, its nighttime, and i have a good headset on. (the game being well-made helps a TON to)
That, or they may be trying to play the *tough guy* act (not saying they would do such a thing but)
It also depends if you are immersing yourself into the game. You won't get a good reaction unless you do that.
18 here. I don't get scared easily, but still Amnesia is exactly the kind of horror game that makes my heart beating faster.
(03-08-2013, 02:38 PM)Brosive Wrote: [ -> ]It also depends if you are immersing yourself into the game. You won't get a good reaction unless you do that.
Skilled role player, sometimes i forget other's are not.
that ^^^ that too!
....i'm not in the minimal requirements.....(i'm eleven.)
(03-08-2013, 02:50 PM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: [ -> ]....i'm not in the minimal requirements.....(i'm eleven.)
What do they call eleven year olds these days... tweens?
(03-08-2013, 03:01 PM)WIWWM Wrote: [ -> ] (03-08-2013, 02:50 PM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: [ -> ]....i'm not in the minimal requirements.....(i'm eleven.)
What do they call eleven year olds these days... tweens?
Dunno. But, i'm eleven and already into scripting. ASIANS.
(03-08-2013, 03:01 PM)WIWWM Wrote: [ -> ] (03-08-2013, 02:50 PM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: [ -> ]....i'm not in the minimal requirements.....(i'm eleven.)
What do they call eleven year olds these days... tweens?
Over developed children.
(03-08-2013, 03:04 PM)Wooderson Wrote: [ -> ] (03-08-2013, 03:01 PM)WIWWM Wrote: [ -> ] (03-08-2013, 02:50 PM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: [ -> ]....i'm not in the minimal requirements.....(i'm eleven.)
What do they call eleven year olds these days... tweens?
Over developed children.
There is truth in these words.