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Full Version: FreeBSD support
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Hi... Out of curiosity, would the linux version of any of the Penumbra games work on FreeBSD? This would be neat because I have been getting into PC-BSD (a direct variant of FreeBSD) which is a great OS for utter n00bs. I am told that a good bit of linux software can run on BSD so long as the linux kernel is not too heavily relied upon. If that doesn't seem at all likely, would a port to FreeBSD be a possibility? Any thoughts or comments on this would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

Linux emulation might be beyond your ability if you can't search (google) it yourself.

Why not try emulating a demo ? Anyway, Linux is VERY open, so Linux emulation on FreeBSD should be much easier than Windows emulation on Linux (e.g. Wine)

Here's a more accessible article. But beware, it's from 2006. It may be outdated.
Hey, thanks for the info!
