is there any info when the AAMFP Key for Steam will appear on the Humble Bundle purchase site?
Thanks in advance.
Regards, raz
Soon, hopefully today, working on it.
Thanks - will check now every hour
Any news about this? Seems the steam preload startet and I would really like to preload this weekend...
Big thanks in advance. Raz
Also keen to get my steam key to start the pre-load

Still doesn't work for me..
Well, judging by the message for the product code it seems to imply that the key will be available on release.
If that's the case then it isn't of much use to those of us who want to pre-load.
Jens mentioned the other day that Humble Store purchasers should have a Steam key by now, so I would hope that this will be resolved within the next 24 hours ...

It'll be out when it's out, It's not like I paid for it so I consider myself lucky to be part of it all.