Seems like the key will not be visible until launch. It seems like that and as it is a weekend I have not received a clarification on how it works. I interpreted a previous reply incorrectly making me think the keys would be visible sooner. So the keys are "in the system", but it is probably not possible for the system to show only the keys and not activate the game for DRM free download as well.
Ah well, not the end of the world - very many thanks for investigating this on our behalf Jens. Maybe the Humble folks will rectify this in the future. Perhaps you could gently suggest it to them?

Hi Jens,
this should be no problem. Already purchased via Humble Bundle and got a steam key before the actual game was downloadable on the key page.
Also, if the keys are already in the database they could easily send it via email.
Should have bought it over Steam... *pffft*
Perhaps if we asked Jens ever so nicely he will send a free Steam key to the Humble Store purchasers who are asking about the issue in this thread .... ?
What a nerve I have even suggesting this.

Too bad that we can't preload, but nevermind. Only 2 days until I can let's play it. ^_^
Only two days until I can just regularly play it. Also, I wonder what time the Humble keys will be out? Here's hoping it's around the same time as on Steam.
(09-09-2013, 06:19 AM)Mijji Wrote: [ -> ]Only two days until I can just regularly play it. Also, I wonder what time the Humble keys will be out? Here's hoping it's around the same time as on Steam.
Should be there tomorrow on release date
I will need Steam for downloading and playing Amnesia bought through the Humble Store?
No, you'll get a Steam key and a DRM-free download version. You don't have to play it over Steam.
Neither for the download? So I can uninstall it