This time let's not screw it up, Many other threads for AAMFP has been closed due to lack of Discussion, let's make this one count before the release date and keep it clean. No spamming about Pewdiepie, Don't go off-topic and don't give cookies to Scraper.
Now that there is a forum dedicated to AAMFP discussions, I am not sure this is actually useful.
As to your request not to "go off-topic"... perhaps you should work it out yourself

Alright so I'm very excited about the release of this game next week. I have been keeping myself away from spoilers even though it's been quite difficult I must say. So I've had a lot of time thinking about what AMFP will bring in form of new gameplay and situations.
One thing that comes to mind are the half-submerged water areas in TDD which I believed had a very lasting effect on many players in the way that it created a strong fear of water from then on throughout the game.
Perhaps at some point during the game our lamp will stop working, or start flickering while we try to solve a puzzle of some sort in a very dark room. What do you guys think? What would you like to see?
Edit: not sure if I need to mention this but: no spoilers
Yay, a new thread! Six days to reach 400 pages.
fucking hell please tell me this is not a contest to see how many pages we get up to and then finally piss jens off.
(09-04-2013, 06:32 PM)russian sky Wrote: [ -> ]fucking hell please tell me this is not a contest to see how many pages we get up to and then finally piss jens off.
It is not.
I don't know if this is really off-topic, but...
I have two exams next week. One on 10th and the other on 11th... I think I am going to explode or something until I finish my last exam...
I'm so fu***** excited! Can't wait anymore! (I wish I had a time machine to travel next week jaja)
Let's hope this one doesn't get locked because of stupid flame wars like the others.
Well start talking about AMFP then ffs.
A few things I can't wait for:
- the menu screen and the beginning of the game
- voices (human)
- music
(09-04-2013, 06:32 PM)russian sky Wrote: [ -> ]fucking hell please tell me this is not a contest to see how many pages we get up to and then finally piss jens off.
Why do I get the blame

I rarely close threads but just for that, I will close this one. Good going dude.
//edit, to avoid misunderstandings this was only a joke.