Fourth time's the charm I suppose...
(09-04-2013, 08:42 PM)jens Wrote: [ -> ] (09-04-2013, 06:32 PM)russian sky Wrote: [ -> ]fucking hell please tell me this is not a contest to see how many pages we get up to and then finally piss jens off.
Why do I get the blame
I rarely close threads but just for that, I will close this one. Good going dude.
Sorry Jens but the: " I rarely close threads but just for that, I will close this one. Good going dude." really made me laugh out loud. Not because I don't take you seriously but it's just a funny reply. guys made Jens sad :r
(09-04-2013, 08:42 PM)jens Wrote: [ -> ] (09-04-2013, 06:32 PM)russian sky Wrote: [ -> ]fucking hell please tell me this is not a contest to see how many pages we get up to and then finally piss jens off.
Why do I get the blame
I rarely close threads but just for that, I will close this one. Good going dude.
I Wasn't blaming you at all, i'm just mentioning the first AAMFP Discussion, everyone was trying to see how many pages it got up to then they got closed, The Second was closed by you after members started arguing and there was no new updates then the third one was closed by Pluto after numerous arguments.
sorry if i offended you. all i'm saying is that AAMFP Discussions always have the same fate, they get closed.
I actually vote for General Thread due to the fact I have no time or interested to browse whole section for the scattered general discussion amongst all (junk) threads. I mean, if someone wants to discuss monsters or lamps or something - they sure can make separate thread, but this one won't hurt at all.
Oh... I have a strong deja vu. I think I said the exact words in thread N1 or 2.
I'm pretty excited for the release, I wonder if the update for ATDD will allow for more advanced A.I and scripting along with more graphical capabilities.
The only complaint i have for AAMFP is the release time.
I. Mean. Why. At. 1 PM. On. Tuesday?
Not only do i hate why all games come out on Tuesdays but why at 1 PM and not at midnight US wise. Because I rather sleep when i get home from school on Monday and stay up all night playing Machine for pigs than having to try to sleep for a full night and survive a very slooooow day of school thinking about the game all day making time seemed x3 slower.
So about that amnesia guys. It looks pretty good.
I miss friday release dates. I seem to remember them being a thing.
I don't mind the release time cause eh, i always game at night.
I can't wait to screw around more with the physics. Throwing things at other things and stacking stuff never got old. And also to see for myself what improvements have been added in general.
And it comes out at 1PM? Cool, I get home from school at around 3PM. I should be able to start decoding the preload from my laptop so I can play immediately when I get home. That's if it's 1PM EST.