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Full Version: Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Discussion Topic Part 4
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The Image itself
Spoiler below!
[Image: EG_AAMFP_HD_BackdropSkin_1800x910.jpg] The children i think are Edwin and Enoch
RockPaperShotgun Image
Spoiler below!
[Image: RPS_AAMFP_BackgroundSkin.jpg]

Whoever done this artwork had Talent! Beautiful and disturbing all in one... i know i'm messed up.
Gameplanet just posted a rewiev, they gave 8.5/10 so pretty great, but I didnt read the rewiev itself cause I dont want spoilers
(09-09-2013, 05:05 AM)ZeazyZ Wrote: [ -> ]Gameplanet just posted a rewiev, they gave 8.5/10 so pretty great, but I didnt read the rewiev itself cause I dont want spoilers

Read it, was what I expected - the reviewer loved the story and level design, but the aging game engine and predictable scare tactics left something to be desired. It also says you can burn through it in 4 hours if you're speed-running, but doesn't recommend it.

I'm playing this game because I really think there's a brilliant story coming soon, so at least that's been covered.
Tomorrow this loooong wait will finally be over. PRAISE THE PIG!
Thanks for the tip, ZeazyZ!

Here's the review:

removed link as it breaks embargo and don't want to support that.

It's safe to read, not much in the way of spoilers Wink

Added to the Info Portal.
(09-09-2013, 05:39 AM)Deep One Wrote: [ -> ]Tomorrow this loooong wait will finally be over. PRAISE THE PIG!

Tomorrow is going to be a sloooooow day....Or should i say today is going to be a slooooooow day...
Day 7. Galton's Praxinoscope. "Look, Daddy, I can see an egg, a stone egg" - it is the egg of the world, my darling.

EDIT: 23 Hours 39 Minutes AAMFP Will be Live!
^ Lol no. 1 day and 9 hours to go from my post.
(09-09-2013, 09:05 AM)Geoff Wrote: [ -> ]^ Lol no. 1 day and 9 hours to go from my post.

Frictional said it on twitter.
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