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like for real though i think i epicly walked through at least 3 long walkways to a very important and mysterious looking center point as someone narrated some thematic speech tying the plot together

off the top of my head i can think of at least 2 different sequences where you destroyed and/or activated something in an attempt to "end it all"

don't remember how many but there were multiple very large and epic and complex looking pieces of machinery that looked like they were the center of the factory or held some huge grandiose purpose

i don't even know what that weird ass electrified pig was about

(09-11-2013, 05:42 AM)MyRedNeptune Wrote: [ -> ]The presentation is quite good, although frankly a bit too hammy and melodramatic for my taste.

I'm a fan of the direct approach - I'd prefer to channel my energy towards thinking about a plot's meaning rather than actually trying to figure out what the plot is. Tongue Being direct doesn't mean presenting all meaningful points on a silver platter - a good story can allow for hidden meanings to be discovered through analysis. I have found this to be the case for TDD's story, at least.

I don't think either games present their plot on silver platter, but we could easily say the same thing of Piggyback Ride. Look bit deeper and it's full of interesting stuff, some which one might have to piece together and others not so much. That being said, I have no trouble saying it gets pretty hamfisted by the end of the game to the point it reminded me of Bioshock in very bad and hilarious manner. Perhaps the biggest difference (IMHO) between TDD and Piggyback Ride is mostly that Piggyback does better job of maintaining sense of mystery at first, while TDD keeps itself together better by the end.

After all, stories in both Piggyback and TDD feature quite similar themes.
(09-11-2013, 06:20 AM)Kman Wrote: [ -> ]like for real though i think i epicly walked through at least 3 long walkways to a very important and mysterious looking center point as someone narrated some thematic speech tying the plot together

off the top of my head i can think of at least 2 different sequences where you destroyed and/or activated something in an attempt to "end it all"

don't remember how many but there were multiple very large and epic and complex looking pieces of machinery that looked like they were the center of the factory or held some huge grandiose purpose

i don't even know what that weird ass electrified pig was about



The 'tesla pig' sounds utterly moronic on text, but in practice he's actually one of the best set-pieces I've experienced in a horror game.
i mean seriously it gave fucking pirates of the caribbean 3 a run for it's money in ridiculously lengthed endings DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW DIFFICULT THAT IS TO EVEN MATCH THE ENDING OF PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 3

even if it was freaky looking i couldn't think of any reason why it was even there so what's the point

like it would have been cool if they worked it in in a way that makes sense but they were kinda just like "this is cool let's just throw it in at the end"
I stopped at the piston room while i activated it and started to hide with the lantern behind the conveyer belt. As soon as the Engineer (I checked some of the files oddly enough it says engineer) or let's just say Pig walked next to me he just saw me right away when i turned off my lantern, the lights slowed them down but i made it. It was very chilling, i also heard the terror meter now it sounds very pitched like a machine or something i was just not listening hard enough.
(09-11-2013, 06:32 AM)Kman Wrote: [ -> ]i mean seriously it gave fucking pirates of the caribbean 3 a run for it's money in ridiculously lengthed endings DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW DIFFICULT THAT IS TO EVEN MATCH THE ENDING OF PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 3


Spoiler below!

You were tricked into activating the machine, only to rediscover its true purpose and then descend again to shut it down.
I agree the Tesla pig part of the game i had been scared the most. It was a nice tough, but i wish the Tesla pig was in the game for more time.
anyways despite all my pointless bitching about the ending it actually was pree enjoyable albeit in a totally different way than the dark descent

also tcr did a fan-fucking-tastic job of scaling up the quality despite hpl2's limitations

so gj guys probably like a solid 7.5 or 8/10
(09-11-2013, 06:32 AM)Kman Wrote: [ -> ]i mean seriously it gave fucking pirates of the caribbean 3 a run for it's money in ridiculously lengthed endings DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW DIFFICULT THAT IS TO EVEN MATCH THE ENDING OF PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 3

even if it was freaky looking i couldn't think of any reason why it was even there so what's the point

like it would have been cool if they worked it in in a way that makes sense but they were kinda just like "this is cool let's just throw it in at the end"

Remember the "Pig-Kaernks" in the sewers? That's what you 'confront' in the end.

I was in the area with the mixing apparatus for the chemicals after coming out of the elevator, and I went through the holding cells.

In one part of the area, I went through a door, turned around, and it wasn't there anymore.

[Image: CKIEPNN.gif]

Good job FG and TCR, you've successfully scared the shit out of me AND mindfucked me so far. *applause*
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