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(09-11-2013, 08:53 PM)Sergeant Crits Wrote: [ -> ]Because Justine took place in another area and time period.

I know that. The thing is, it's not unrealistic to think she might be buried there. Assuming she'd survived the cabinet of perturbation, she might'd simply moved to London and died there. Anyways, her portrait was there for a reason, right?
(09-11-2013, 09:01 PM)Vertical Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-11-2013, 08:53 PM)Sergeant Crits Wrote: [ -> ]Because Justine took place in another area and time period.

I know that. The thing is, it's not unrealistic to think she might be buried there. Assuming she'd survived the cabinet of perturbation, she might'd simply moved to London and died there. Anyways, her portrait was there for a reason, right?

That was most likely a placeholder image back from when AMFP was a minor expansion on the level of Justine.

Her fate is something that remains unknown - personally, I like to think that the themes raised in her story were logically continued by Mandus' story. I wonder if the girl ever managed to break out of her paranormally-induced insanity and find redemption...

Spoiler below!
Daniel had the Orb, Mandus had the 'Stone Egg', and Justine had the star-shaped soapstone.
Ought to be a good night Big Grin

Spoiler below!
[Image: IMG_1937.jpg]
\Amnesia - A Machine For Pigs\redist\sounds\music\temp\comeandplay.ogg

Dan Pinchbeck's placeholder audio before voice actors were brought in?
(09-14-2013, 05:53 PM)Sampyli Wrote: [ -> ]Ought to be a good night Big Grin

Spoiler below!
[Image: IMG_1937.jpg]


That made me laugh and shudder at once.

Never happened to me ever.

Kudos sir.
(09-14-2013, 05:53 PM)Sampyli Wrote: [ -> ]Ought to be a good night Big Grin

Spoiler below!
[Image: IMG_1937.jpg]

On the night of friday the 13th you will see the manpig......watching......waiting......, Mhuahahaha! *sounds of thunder*

By the way where can one get some of those bacon chips, they look rather tasty. Big Grin
(09-14-2013, 11:57 PM)Change Wrote: [ -> ]By the way where can one get some of those bacon chips, they look rather tasty. Big Grin

They are rather tasty indeed Big Grin I got them from a shop called Lidl. (In Finland, but aren't those everywhere?)

Got a bit scared in one bit standing around looking at a pig who was in my way and just thought to myself something along the lines of "I'm eating your delicious cousin, what do you think about that you blind, ugly piece of ****."

Gave me the courage to face him and get past. Big Grin
Does anyone know how the load function works in AMFP? If i load a game, will i still be able to continue where i last were like in the dark descent? Because i don't feel like loosing any progress.
(09-15-2013, 08:11 AM)Sergeant Crits Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know how the load function works in AMFP? If i load a game, will i still be able to continue where i last were like in the dark descent? Because i don't feel like loosing any progress.

Nevermind. I totally misread that.

Why are you loading a save if you want to continue your old one (ie, not lose any progress)?
Don't wanna start up another flame war but...

Spoiler below!
[Image: 3197A34E3A45C23E414BCEE456DA70BD963DD03B]

Heh. I think that's thoughtful they added that in, the model even looks more detailed compared to TDD one.

But I could've gone without seeing that. :V
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