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Full Version: Low Review Scores Address Important Concerns over AAMFP
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Just my opinion but despite being numbers all those reviews made sense aside from some major biased claims. I anticipate this game wont be successful on the scale of TDD not even close. However that doesnt mean that the game is terrible it's alright but its interesting how Red Barrels Outlast surpassed this despite being an up-and coming company with regards to the genre. I hope they address the concerns of Outlast and release mods or perhaps a series of Outlast games or spin-offs. Amnesia beats the story of Outlast by far and I dont care about the graphical difference but the gameplay of AAMFP is lacking whether you like to believe otherwise. Bummed out but eh perhaps the next work of Frictional Games will be better!
Dat punctuation.
[Image: computer-facepalm.gif]
Damn game's not even out yet...

Why is everybody resorting to LPs? Try experiencing the game first yourself before dishing out judgement.
Lawl what the heck. Might as well judge the game solely on reviews the day before it's released right? The gameplay is lacking? How much have you played sir?

(09-10-2013, 02:49 AM)crashbfan Wrote: [ -> ]the game is lacking because it has nothing from the original thus just another horror game.

Hope you're not being serious. The only thing that was removed was the inventory and sanity. I don't think a simple thing like that will phase a game out of the spotlight.

Yes, it is lacking compared to TDD, in terms of gameplay, if you are talking about the things that were removed. However, that does not make it just another horror game. Frictional thought it was better than expected, then I believe it will meet our expectations, don't let a silly thing like review scores ruin your anticipation.
(09-10-2013, 02:12 AM)GOAT Wrote: [ -> ]but its interesting how Red Barrels Outlast surpassed this despite being an up-and coming company with regards to the genre.

Most average/negative reviews are justified by the differences with TDD, from what I'm reading.
More than half of the reviewers are people i never heard of in my life. Plus all the real "big" reviewers have rated amnesia a bit higher than all these other people.