Seems i accidently locked myself.
I went to the passage behind the statue of bear.. and, no idea why i pushed it back to the place. lol

The little door closed after that, and, seems there's no way to open it nor to leave the room.
Not a big problem, of course, but i decided to tell about that.
It is not a big problem

But if you want you can load your last save

Haha oops, yeah that was not good and not intended. Thank you for reporting it in.
Nice lol

I don't know if I'm missing something, but the second time you enter the machine room you're required to move the bear taxidermy. Now due to the nature of Amnesia, I feel compelled to close everything behind me... Which happens to have included that bear case to close the door...
Now I seem to be stuck within the room and I haven't found another way to open it. I realize that it may have not been a good idea to put it back in real life, but it felt like a natural response to anything in amnesia.. i.e I don't want something to sneak up behind me because of open doors.
Thank you!
edit: realized I don't know how to use search bar, sorry!
(09-10-2013, 04:42 PM)UnknownIPandID Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know if I'm missing something, but the second time you enter the machine room you're required to move the bear taxidermy. Now due to the nature of Amnesia, I feel compelled to close everything behind me... Which happens to have included that bear case to close the door...
Now I seem to be stuck within the room and I haven't found another way to open it. I realize that it may have not been a good idea to put it back in real life, but it felt like a natural response to anything in amnesia.. i.e I don't want something to sneak up behind me because of open doors.
Thank you!
edit: realized I don't know how to use search bar, sorry!
I closed the door to, you should be able to get out by pushing it again, i know it sounds weird pushing it through a wall but your should get the cursor come up ( and actually at that bit there is a door you can open/close instead of moving the bear back over
The exact same happened to me, however me being the idiot that I am the problem started when I decided to move the bear in front of the door while I was inside the secret room so no monsters could sneak up on me and the next thing I know is that the door closes shut and I'm stuck. Here's a video
Is there a folder for any early auto saves as I don't want to start the last save as it was 40 minutes ago.
(09-10-2013, 05:08 PM)dilzo999 Wrote: [ -> ]The exact same happened to me, however me being the idiot that I am the problem started when I decided to move the bear in front of the door while I was inside the secret room so no monsters could sneak up on me and the next thing I know is that the door closes shut and I'm stuck. Here's a video
Is there a folder for any early auto saves as I don't want to start the whole game over again.
the game does auto save just click load game at main menu and you can view previous auto saves
Got it by "phasing" through the wall after trying for a bit! Thank you!
(09-10-2013, 05:12 PM)zolferno Wrote: [ -> ] (09-10-2013, 05:08 PM)dilzo999 Wrote: [ -> ]The exact same happened to me, however me being the idiot that I am the problem started when I decided to move the bear in front of the door while I was inside the secret room so no monsters could sneak up on me and the next thing I know is that the door closes shut and I'm stuck. Here's a video
Is there a folder for any early auto saves as I don't want to start the whole game over again.
the game does auto save just click load game at main menu and you can view previous auto saves
Thanks figured that out, took me about 5 mins to complete something that took me 40 mins now that I know what to do