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Found this in the base_english.lang file

<Entry Name="ItemName_LockPick">Lock Pick</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_LockPick">Rusty and weak but in working condition for picking one lock.</Entry>

Thought this would be interesting to share.
"ItemName" and "ItemDesc" ? Smile This is strange.
(09-11-2013, 07:49 AM)Arbies Wrote: [ -> ]"ItemName" and "ItemDesc" ? Smile This is strange.

In the first Amnesia these are used to define the name and description of an inventory item.
I know Smile This is why I called it "Strange". There isn't inventory in AAMFP.
Didn't this migrate from DD? There was a lockpick IIRC.
(09-11-2013, 08:38 AM)Kein Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't this migrate from DD? There was a lockpick IIRC.

Yes, but they are not the same. in TDD it's called "Hollow Needle" and has a different description

Here's a comparison:

<Entry Name="ItemName_LockPick">Lock Pick</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_LockPick">Rusty and weak but in working condition for picking one lock.</Entry>

<Entry Name="ItemName_HollowNeedle">Hollow Needle</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_HollowNeedle">A strong surgical needle.</Entry>