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Full Version: Barrel glitch?
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(edited, because I was a bit pissed and was being a bit irrational when I first posted it.)

When I got to the part where you turn the crank to lower the barrels, in order to climb up the slope, the barrels fell awkwardly and got lodged into the world geometry. I'm now not able to climb the incline to the next part of the game.

I've raised and lowered the slope a dozen times, I've even found chairs to drag back and use as stepping stools in hopes to advance.
why not just load an earlier save???
(09-13-2013, 06:00 AM)Kman Wrote: [ -> ]why not just load an earlier save???

Only options I've seen are "Continue" and "Start New Game."

Am I missing some sort of save system?
On the main menu you should see this:

Do you see something different? Have you changed your profile name since encountering the glitch? If so, try going back to the old profile.

Also check to see if there are save files on your PC. On Windows 7 you can find them here:

C:\Users\<user profile>\My Documents\Amnesia\Pig\<user profile>\

This is turning out to be a stranger problem than the glitch itself haha.
On the other side of the room you should be able to jump on the woodpile. Then jump on the edge and you can go to this little machine. So you don't need to activate the lever.