He makes some excellent points about the less positive aspects of the game, most of which have been referred to on this forum.
I believe he enjoyed it, yes.
Also, I think the game should now be renamed "Amnesia: A Sausage for Breakfast"... man, this one cracked me up

It was a thoughtful review, and I am not surprised he enjoyed it; I enjoyed it, and he clearly enjoyed it for the same reasons I did.
"Amnesia double D's" I lost it xD
It only just struck me after watching this video just how spot on he is about the sanity meter for immersion:
"THIS IS A BAR!? YOU SEE THIS? This means you are scared!"
"[...]When actually you should gauge how scared you are by yourself"
I probably misquoted that entirely considering I'm writing that from memory from a video I watched days ago lol
I'm glad he liked it. I thought he would just bash it completely.
"Amnesia The Double Ds" haha
im calling it amnesia: a sausage for breakfast from now on, forever
The Great One has spoken, all those negative reviews are worth nothing now!

(Like they had any worth in the first place, ha!)
A sausage for breakfast?, I'm now hungry