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Full Version: Phonograph reset
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In my CS I have a certain function where the Phonograph playing spawns a monster. Everything works fine there, however if the monster kills you I want the phonograph to reset back to its non-woundup state to be played again. (The monster has to spawn to break down a locked door). I thought the ResetProp("phonograph_1"); command would do the trick. The game detects no coding error yet this does not work. You cannot wind up the phonograph anymore. Is there a specific certain code for those props?

void Restart(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
    CheckPoint ("checkpoint1", "PlayerStartArea_4", "Urstuff", "DeathCategory", "Deathtext1");

void Urstuff (string &in asName, int alCount)
    SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("phonograph_1", "play_radio");

I did script back in Amnesia before, but I no longer know the scripts all too well, but I think ResetProp might not work in your case. I'm not sure, though, I didn't script in Amnesia since 2 years, I believe.
Phonograph is a wheel type entity if i am not mistaken, so something like:
should do the trick.
Thank you. It worked out fine. Smile