i knew they would make some other funny things to keep player busy (well not much really) but i really found some things that may be fun to play with if you are too scared to progress

Side Fun List:
Ball - Location: Mansion - i found it kinda funny and it is a new thing , i was impressed by physics of ball that are working so that is nicely realistic.
Billiards - Location: Mansion - That was really interesting. It is all perfect to play (even by yourself) just you have arms and not sticks , so it is same thing in game.
Frog - Location: Tunnels (Room where is door with padlock) - When i first found it i was LMAO. Funny animation with legs but even more funny squishy sound

And now to important part of this thread.
I would like you guys to post here more of this funny side things to do (Name of it + Location and Reaction/Interest you had with it).
Even when i finished AAMFP 2 times i maybe missed some more of this funny things in game.
It may be interesting for someone at all.
This troll ass glass beaker in the holding pens. I thought it would be part of a puzzle because the only things you can touch are parts of a puzzle. Turns out it wasn't part of anything..
That shaft in the room behind the bathtub is just awesome to play with.
I played longer than I should have with the billiards...
Mansion: Built a wall out of chair to see if I could block the pig. I could. Also played around with the balls.
I jumped down to the piggie feast in The Nest and took away their chairs while they sat at the table (thanks to Kein for the idea!). Then I used the chairs to block the path of the patrolling piggie which gets slapped by the big piggie. Actually, I made a video of that! The recording was interrupted by my 9-year-old nephew calling me on Skype XD
http://www.mediafire.com/watch/eo5ch7x5a..._Feast.mp4 (you can stream it rather than download it if you like)
In the sewers/bilge, I used a chair to jump over the railing into the water which contained the water-pigs. I sank right to the bottom, and when I looked up at the ceiling the water texture was invisible, but the floating turds weren't. Worth trying.
That glass beaker and the chair with the straps which could be moved around were both troll items. I ran around all over the place looking for something to put into the beaker, and I was convinced I needed to find an animal to strap down into the chair. Eventually realized the holding pens were completely empty.
In the room where you disabled the machinery by pushing a large drum of Compound X into it, I managed to find a way to push all five drums down. This made me wonder again about why TCR had limited the number of interactive items. that room had moving machinery, several light sources, and five large, entirely movable drums. Didn't look like the game engine was limited at all. But elsewhere alll they would let you do was turn on a lamp or open a drawer.
Most of the things you cant interact with in the game have physics enabled regardless, even some locked drawers had it enabled, So I doubt performance was the main factor. Its likely more so you dont end up using the wrong items in a puzzle, so its easier to complete.
(10-17-2013, 12:48 PM)The Mug Wrote: [ -> ]Most of the things you cant interact with in the game have physics enabled regardless, even some locked drawers had it enabled, So I doubt performance was the main factor. Its likely more so you dont end up using the wrong items in a puzzle, so its easier to complete.
That's exactly what I think, the aim was too streamline the available options and shove you down the corridor. Or the conveyor belt, to use a metaphor more appropriate to the game. Ironically a conveyor belt is exactly where you end up for the last part of the game.