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Full Version: Amnesia with PlayStation move motion controller
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Hi everyone,

If you're lucky enough to own a couple of PlayStation move controllers and use Linux PC to run Amnesia, you can play it like this (sorry for poor video quality):

To do so you need to run psmoveinput - daemon, which communicates with move controllers and generates mouse/keyboard events, so PS move can be used with any Linux software. key mappings, mouse pointer sensitivity and some other parameters are configurable. Config file, which I use for Amnesia, is attached. Just put it in your home folder and run "psmoveinput -c /home/<yourname>/amnesia.conf". Note that currently psmoveinput needs to be run by root user, so use su or sudo.
Here's a psmoveinput project page on GitHub -
See and for building, installation and configuration instructions.
If you use openSUSE or Fedora, you can install psmoveinput from binary packages available here - Just add repository for your system and install. Otherwise you need to build psmoveinput from source along with psmoveapi library, which it is based on.

Feedback is always welcome.
(10-19-2013, 02:20 PM)TheWalshinator Wrote: [ -> ]TDD or AAMFP?

Both work with psmoveinput. amnesia.conf might need some change for TDD since there's an inventory there, so TAB key has to be mapped to some controller key, but otherwise there's no difference.
That' s fantastic! I didn' t know Amnesia is for play station as well.
Hats off to you sir.
(10-19-2013, 08:35 PM)Amnesia Gamer Wrote: [ -> ]That' s fantastic! I didn' t know Amnesia is for play station as well.

It's not, I run it on Linux PC, just sending the output to my TV and using psmove

Wapez, thanks!
Thank you for letting me now, unfortunately I do not own a PC linux.
Thanks for posting here information… I have searched from this site.. It is amazing..
Never posted this on reddit, maybe someone else put a link there. Anyway, just noted that the forum doesn't allow attaching files with .conf extension, so I packed amnesia.conf into zip archive and attached it to the first post.