I found this file in the Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs > Sounds > Ambience > Cellar folder
It seems to be an unused version of ''When i was a lady''
Did anyone notice this?
(10-28-2013, 03:08 PM)Sergeant Crits Wrote: [ -> ]I found this file in the Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs > Sounds > Ambience > Cellar folder
It seems to be an unused version of ''When i was a lady''
Did anyone notice this?
Nice pun. :p
It's probably Jessica Curry.
Yes, I think this has been discussed before.
The version sung by Jessica is music_credits.ogg.
(10-28-2013, 03:26 PM)Ashtoreth Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I think this has been discussed before.
The version sung by Jessica is music_credits.ogg.
It's a different version sung by some guy with a guitar.
(10-29-2013, 12:40 AM)Chieftain1 Wrote: [ -> ]It's a different version sung by some guy with a guitar.
Yes, I know.

(10-29-2013, 01:58 AM)Ashtoreth Wrote: [ -> ] (10-29-2013, 12:40 AM)Chieftain1 Wrote: [ -> ]It's a different version sung by some guy with a guitar.
Yes, I know. 
Alright sorry

Oh, no problem at all. I just mentioned the other version interpreted by Jessica because of what Alardem said. ^_^
(10-29-2013, 09:45 AM)Ashtoreth Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, no problem at all. I just mentioned the other version interpreted by Jessica because of what Alardem said. ^_^
Yeah, I forgot that there were two alternate versions. I wonder if Samuel Justice, the sound engineer, sang the one this thread's about...
This is a great blog posting and very useful. I really appreciate the research you put into it..
(11-06-2013, 11:34 AM)Pearleallay44 Wrote: [ -> ]This is a great blog posting and very useful. I really appreciate the research you put into it..