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Full Version: Happiness of others
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I'm definitely not extroverted, but I've always been interested in how extroverts are capable of deriving energy from being around others.

The main question of this topic is: how much of your personal happiness is influenced by the happiness of others?

In general, the happiness of others affects me very little. However, I've noticed amongst my peers and acquaintances the common phenomenon that seeing other people being happy can make a person happy themselves. If this is true for you, how do you do this?
Interesting question indeed.

While I like to be around happy people, it doesn't affect me much. I'm still "happy" if there isn't any happy person around, so yeah.
I very easily sense if that happiness is fake or not and most of the time it is, so I choose the last option.
I'd say it's more annoying than it is 'depressing'. If someone actually is truly outgoing instead of acting cool, then I don't mind... Most of the time it's annoying since people try to be so kewl.
Depends entirely on the circumstances and my current mood.
I'm pretty sensitive to the general 'mood' of a place. So if the people there are happy, it's easier for me to be the same. The opposite is also true.
(11-28-2013, 01:35 PM)Abraxas Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sensitive to the general 'mood' of a place. So if the people there are happy, it's easier for me to be the same. The opposite is also true.

The opposite is definetly true for me too! Smile
(11-27-2013, 05:58 PM)Bridge Wrote: [ -> ]Depends entirely on the circumstances and my current mood.

same here