It's been about a little less than a year since I released my custom story. Since then it's been translated into 2 languages and played by tons of let's players. I'm looking to ease back into the development scene. I want to make a legit game on unity or maybe Cryengine but I want to play with Amnesia a bit more. So right now I'm downloading the patch in this thread and after that I'll work on transferring my AMFP files over. I get the feeling that making a custom story isn't like riding a bike and I'm gonna have to take a crash course to get re-acclimated, but I wanted to know if there is anything knew I should know about making custom stories. I'm aware that there are some new script functions to play with. I'd better get used to using basic bools and stuff again before I try anything new though.
Just in case you use the new script functions, remember that other players need to have the new patch installed as well. Otherwise the functions will not work.

A few questions if anyone can help.
1: I created my dev environment (Funny enough I never did that for my last CS. My PC couldn't handle running the editor and game at the same time so I never bothered) but if I want to go back to playing regular amnesia for my LP channel, how do I do that?
2: If I use an AMFP item in my CS, how do I go about it when I release it? Will a player with AMFP be able to load it or do I need to put all AMFP objects I use in my custom story release folder? Am I legally allowed to release AMFP objects to players who haven't bought it themselves?
2. You need to put them manually and yes you're allowed to use the new assets.
(07-17-2014, 01:56 AM)DeAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]1: I created my dev environment (Funny enough I never did that for my last CS. My PC couldn't handle running the editor and game at the same time so I never bothered) but if I want to go back to playing regular amnesia for my LP channel, how do I do that?
Well, what I do is create 2 main_settings.cfg's. One is for the dev environment and the other is for normal gameplay. Name the edited one main_settings_dev.cfg and the normal one main_settings.cfg.
This way you can just swap them, if you want to go to dev, rename the normal one to main_settings_main.cfg and the other one to main_settings.cfg and you're all set. Do it in the reverse way if you want normal.
An "environment" where you can test scripts, reload them, experiment with different lighting, flying through the map, etc.
How do u get tat reload button since it doesnt show up on my level editor im using windows 8
(07-17-2014, 05:47 AM)victorkim890(KimmyChimmy) Wrote: [ -> ]How do u get tat reload button since it doesnt show up on my level editor im using windows 8
You do that in game, not in the Level Editor.
Here's how to do that.
O finaly I dont hav to keep exiting and starting my cs over again