08-04-2014, 10:38 PM
![[Image: llj7RNQ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/llj7RNQ.png)
The Amnesia Modloader is an application I wrote to simplify the process of launching Amnesia mods. No need to mess around with .bat files or command lines. It also accounts for some known issues with starting mods. It lists all the full conversion mods you have installed, places them in an intuitive list and allows you to see additional information about them and launch one just by selecting it. Simple as that.
The Modloader can also be found on ModDB and on Steam.
Latest version: 2.0.0 (Windows) 1.6.1 (Mac OS X)
All downloads:
Spoiler below!
These are for legacy only. I highly recommend getting the latest version. If you want these, read the changelog for info.
Mac versions:
Mac versions:
- v1.6.1: [Mediafire]
- v2.0.0: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.6.6: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.6.5: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.6.4: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.6.3: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.6.0: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.5.1: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.5.0: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.4.3: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.4.1: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.3.2: [Direct] [Mediafire]
- v1.1-pre: [Direct] [Mediafire]
![[Image: u2g5AYM.png]](https://i.imgur.com/u2g5AYM.png)
The Modloader will list information from the selected mod in the panel on the right if the mod creator has made it available. This includes an Author field, a Description field, a Minimum game version required and more. The latter is there to tell you if the mod requires a certain version of the game to run, for example Justine (1.2) or AMFP support (1.3). The name of the mod will display regardless, because it is fetched from an existing location within the mod, so even if the mod was not made to explicitly support this Modloader, it will still work fine and launch properly.
Here are the specifications for using this application:
- Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10) or Mac OS X 10.6.5+ (Snow Leopard)
- About 170 MB of free space (due to Java runtime bundle)
- Amnesia - The Dark Descent
- Whatever mods you wish to play
The Modloader will install into the specified directory (default paths listed below). It also saves its user settings in here. The Mac version saves inside its own application bundle.
Windows: %USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Amnesia Modloader
Mac OS X: ~/Applications/Amnesia Modloader.app/Contents/UserFiles (itself)
You can check out the video if you wish, or read the fine print below. Video is a little outdated however.
The first time starting the application it will open the options. Here you may need to select which directory your game is installed in if it doesn't automatically fills this in. Simply point to where you can find the Amnesia executable file.
The rest of the options are just for your personal preference. Check them out. If you use Steam, you might need to enable the Steam protocol.
Once you've accepted the options, the application will start and you can click the "Find mods" button to search through your mod directory and list any mods it finds.
The application can cache the mod list for next app start. This will enable you to skip searching for mods every time, but if you add/remove any mods, I recommend re-scanning to update the list.
The Find mods button will refresh the list from the directory in your options.
The About button will show information about the Modloader application.
The Open folder will open your file browser at the location specified in your preferences.
The Launch button will start the selected mod from the list. You can use the arrow to start the launcher or the game directly. On Windows you can also create shortcuts to the selected mod, useful if you start it a lot.
The Exit button will close the application.
The Options button will re-open the options.
For Mod Developers
If you are currently creating a mod for Amnesia, I would love if you added extra support for my Modloader =)
Spoiler below!
You can do this by adding a modloader.cfg file to your mod's config folder with this information:
(PS: The modloader.cfg file can also be named aml.cfg for legacy version support.)
Author = Your Name
IconFile = icon.png
Description = Your Description
MinVersion = 1.2
You can also include an icon.png file. You can edit the name and extension in the config, but it must be PNG, JPG, GIF or ICO. The resolution is determined by the launcher options, but 64x64 is recommended. You can leave entries out if you do not need them.
Set an entry named CustomExecName to the name of your custom executable (no extension) IF and ONLY IF you use one. If not, which is most likely, you can leave it empty or completely exclude the entry.
Compose tips:
You can use \n for line breaks in your description.
You can use \t for tabbing.
This application is also open-sourced. If you wish to be involved in development, check out this thread, or head directly to the GitHub repository and download the source code.
January 26, 2019 - v2.0.0 - Windows
- Completely rewritten! A full changelog would take too long, so here are some key points.
- Finding mods is way quicker thanks to an exclusion list which skips large folders of unnecessary data.
- Interface has been redone. Still similar, but should function much smoother and look somewhat better.
- Many more options, like being able to edit default mod settings and individual mod settings. No need for the default launcher anymore.
- Better error reporting in case something goes wrong, which it hopefully won't!
Spoiler below!
February 2, 2017 - v1.6.6 - Windows
October 23, 2016 - v1.6.5 - Windows
This update applies to the Mac version of the Modloader, as it's the first Mac release. It's slightly tweaked from the Windows version.
- Added support for higher DPI settings on Windows so that it doesn't look compressed.
- Edited how the root config is deployed so you don't have to update it for every Modloader update, but instead when I actually add something to it.
October 23, 2016 - v1.6.5 - Windows
- Added option to create a Windows shortcut to a mod to start it even quicker, in case you launch it a lot.
- Removed ability to patch config (since FG updated Amnesia to fix this).
- Moved "Use Steam" to advanced page since it's no longer important (also fixed by FG)
- Moved "Apply shaders" to advanced page since it doesn't need to be in your face.
- Fixed issue with update crashing the app while offline.
- Added more multi-threading so that the app works a bit smoother.
- Greatly improved scanning speed.
- Added field below mod list to display scan progress/currently selected mod.
- Added proposed default directory for first-time start.
- Changed mod list font from "System" to "Consolas".
- Added "Use Steam" checkbox to Windows version and made it work with Steam copies.
- Added a window to show up with a changelog when running first time after installing a new version (if you have run it before).
- Rearranged the options page to be like the Mac version. Includes an "Advanced" page with more settings and warnings.
- Added ability to check online for a newer update and then link to the forum post. Auto-check is enabled by default but can be turned off in the options.
- Organized internal code a lot to hopefully be easier to manage in the future.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and tweaks.
This update applies to the Mac version of the Modloader, as it's the first Mac release. It's slightly tweaked from the Windows version.
- Added "Use Steam" checkbox because Mac version is not DRM free.
- Added "Advanced" page in Options which includes warnings.
- Added warning for starting mods on the Steam copy of Amnesia (because it prompts a Steam popup).
- Added warning for patching mods to work with 1.3 (because due to a bug in Amnesia on Mac, mods created prior to 1.3 cannot start unless the config is updated).
- Packaged entire app into an application bundle, including depenencies and runtime. Acts like a native Mac application.
- Might contain some issues, so please report if you find anything.
- No longer requires Java to be installed! It comes bundled with a sandboxed runtime, so download size has increased to 65MB.
- Comes with a simple installer which will extract the files for you. It lists in your installed programs list, can add shortcuts, and comes with uninstaller. Basically it now acts as a native Windows program.
- Added ability to auto-update config by disabling the warning.
- Minor bug fixes and edits.
- Fixed critical issue that prevented it from starting first time.
- Added more error handling, so that you'll know if something unexpected goes wrong.
- Changed shader directories to be /core/shaders instead of just /shaders. Oops, my bad.
- Fixed minor boundary issues in About page.
- Finally made the app responsive while searching for mods! Much smoother to use now, comes with a progressbar and cancel button.
- Added a sweet cache feature, which will save the last list you had open, and instantly display it upon next start. This means you only need to refresh if you've changed/added mods. Smoooth~
- Added button to clear the cache if needed. The cache is automatically cleared before a new is created.
- Some extra bug fixes.
- Cleaned up code a bit and organized internal content (for those who care).
- Improved and fixed several issues with the shader installation feature.
- General bug fixes, including a critical issue where it would not work at all for those who have changed the location of their "Documents" folder to another drive.
- Changed preference save directory to be within AppData instead of Documents.
- Added automatic installation for extracting the config file to your Amnesia config folder (this to prevent issues with the main game). Manual installation is no longer required.
- Added a "Warnings" dialog in the preferences, where you can disable certain warnings.
- Improved the About page.
- Added option to automatically install a mod’s custom shaders if it has any (experimental).
- Made icons anti-aliased so that they look much better, even when resized.
- Added CustomExecName flag for config file, so that mods which utilize it can start using their own executable.
- Removed icon size 16×16. It’s too small anyway. 48x is default, you can still choose 64x or 32x.
- Retired CustomShaders flag from config, as it will not be the determining factor whether they are installed or not (rather the existance).
- Edited web link to point to my website.
- Added ability to right click mod in the list instead of selecting and launching the standard way.
- Added some extra graphics in the form of icons for certain features.
- Re-wrote the GUI and some of the logic behind the application.
- Fixed several bugs, including failed retail launches.
- Added several features, including "Minimize Modloader on launch," a customized icon size for the list, and options for starting game launcher or game directly.
- Changed mod custom file from aml.cfg to modloader.cfg. Is still backwards compatible with aml.cfg, so no worries :)
- Added custom graphics for background and icon (thanks to Traggey).
- Removed max compatibility. It feels redundant.
- Initial release.
Thanks to
MrBehemoth for helping me beta test it prior to the 1.1-pre release!
Daemian for helping with development and custom shader support.
Traggey for making sweet artwork!
Kreekakon, Slanderous, Muffin for helping with beta testing.
You for using it and helping me improve it :D