... the maze-like Theta Maintenance! That area drove me NUTS!!
I mean... I had problems getting lost in the tunnels of the Curie, too – I even drew this because I kept running in circles for about half an hour in the first few rooms of the Curie:
... but Theta Maintenance was HELL for a person like me, who has a really BAAAAD sense of direction. I just wanted out of the damn thing!! I can't remember how long that part took me. At least an hour, that's for sure. You can't imagine how
HAPPY I was to finally see THIS:
So... were there any parts you didn't like all that much?
PS: Don't get me wrong: SOMA was one of the very best experiences in gaming I've
EVER had – and I've been playing video games since 1991!! So... no hard feelings.

I think the underwater parts in the abyss, it didn't really scare me and felt sluggish to explore.
I really enjoyed THETA, it was the scariest part in the game. Of course, it's a bit frustrating to find a way through the tunnels, but this even enhances the horror for me. You get lost in the tunnels, alone and haunted by strange creatures - awesome!
I thought that last maze part was alright, but irritating, dark, confusing and repetitive, visually and atmospherically it heavily reminded me of Doom 3, but in a good way.
Oh i know how you feel xD, well when i get lost in a game i usually do the same thing, i call it : the labyrinth trick", you just have to follow the same wall all the time. I mean, there is a way (tedious way) to finish every single labyrinth, and the only thing that you need to do is follow the same wall all the time, left one ot the right one, your choice, and suddenly you will find the exit

For me, the only thing i didnt like it was to hide over and over again from every damn enemy i found, is nice to have monsters trying to kill all the time, but the way to save myself it was always the same: hide and run. Even if the enemys are different and the have really different attributes (which is awesome by the way), and you dont find the same enemys trougth all game (which is more awesome!), is a little anonying seeing and enemy and always do the same thing.
(11-08-2015, 06:17 PM)girlgamer14015 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh i know how you feel xD, well when i get lost in a game i usually do the same thing, i call it : the labyrinth trick", you just have to follow the same wall all the time. I mean, there is a way (tedious way) to finish every single labyrinth, and the only thing that you need to do is follow the same wall all the time, left one ot the right one, your choice, and suddenly you will find the exit
A small remark: this method only works if the labyrinth has no "islands".
I agree that Theta Maintenance was repetitive.
For me, the Theta maintenance tunnels were definitely my lest favorite part of the game.
It suffered from the same problems that pre-shuttle Upsilon and Delta had, in that everything seemed to be placed in a way that it was very easy to get turned around. The way that Upsilon and Delta received a pass from me, though, was because they were also relatively threat-free, so it almost promoted the ability to wander around and explore, searching for the lore and admiring the environments.
The Theta tunnels, however, had you hiding from monsters the entire time, so the ability to freely explore and map out your surroundings was pretty limited. If you got caught by a monster, it would sometimes put you in a different location than you were before, further emphasizing the frustration of blindly walking in the hopes that you will stumble upon where you needed to go.
Even the monster in Tau was fairly forgiving in that once you found a new room to hide in, you could explore that room while the monster was off patrolling elsewhere. By contrast, the rooms and corridors in the Theta tunnels were largely devoid of lore objects that I could discover, and past the whole "wow, this place is WAU'd out the ass", there wasn't really a whole lot to be able to take in. In general, I just felt it to be an exercise in pause-and-go gameplay coupled with the fear-giving-way-to-frustration phenomenon that plagues every horror game ever made.
(I'd like to clarify that this is me being nitpicky. I loved the game in general from start to finish.
