This recently went up on Frictional's FB. Sorry if someone has already posted this on the forums. Must've missed it.
Link to Mikael's Artstation portfolio, which also links out to other social media profiles. Check out his work!
That was really interesting! Thanks for sharing.
One thing I find really cool about this is that we finally get to see a clear model of the creature from the 2013 trailer. I always wondered what it looked like! We also get animations and breakdowns of characters that were very detailed or difficult to make out, like the Dunbat and anglerfish.

When you animate in Maya, how do you export as an animation in editor?
The scene at 1:06 was probably one of my favorite things in the game, killer work

Glad to see that the reel has gotten a life of it's own now! I agree, about so much getting lost in the darkness. It's really appropriate but it's a shame on such nice models. So I was happy to be able to do something like this to showcase them a bit more.
Thanks for sharing and the kind words! If you have any questions, I can try and answer...
brus I just export the skeleton hierarchy as a .dae when I export animations. But you'll also be needing the mesh with an attached skeleton.