Hi! I finally finished this Test map, (thank you Jens ) and now I'm going to pubblish it!
I hope you enjoy! And remember, turn the commentaries on!
Also I ask a favor, please record your experience and upload it to youtube or attach it here! I just want to know if it was very scary for you!
I didn't try that last door before the second play-through, so there's no monster visible in the video
I listened to your comments
Though, it was a bit too dark in my opinion... Couldn't see shit
Yeah, I should've had to add more lights
Sorry for my childish voice -.- I'm 15 and I have 10 year old's voice lol
Thanks for trying it! Your map also made me jump with the door part >_>
Hmmm by watching your video you were hiding from the illusion I think I should have spawned him more near to the player, so like that when you turn arround he dissapears. This is the reason why I want vids haha.
Thank you again! But there was a lantern in the first room lol, in the chest in a dark area, I guess I need to light important things then
BTW, I double post because for some reason it doesn't let me edit the other post -_-
I didn't try that last door before the second play-through, so there's no monster visible in the video
I listened to your comments
Though, it was a bit too dark in my opinion... Couldn't see shit
Yeah, I should've had to add more lights
Sorry for my childish voice -.- I'm 15 and I have 10 year old's voice lol
Thanks for trying it! Your map also made me jump with the door part >_>
I enjoyed listening to them non-the-less :-)
And you don't sound like a 10 year old :-P
You sound like an einstein xD
And on the second play-through when I was listening to the comments,
Spoiler below!
I was like > when you said "In this case, it's an illusion" xD
(09-15-2010, 10:39 PM)MulleDK19 Wrote: [ -> ]I enjoyed listening to them non-the-less :-)
And you don't sound like a 10 year old :-P
You sound like an einstein xD
And on the second play-through when I was listening to the comments,
Spoiler below!
I was like > when you said "In this case, it's an illusion" xD
Lol, sorry for that, I was laughing when I saw you hiding from the illusion in the vid Next time will try to fix that and spawn the creature more closer to the player, or just add more dissapear radius
BTW, there was a lantern in the fisrt room in a chest, it's my fault, I think I should've put a light where the Chest was.
Very good map, i also run away from the monster to the smoke room and i did look back at it but was only for a split second so he didn't dissapeared and started chasing me, by the way about the smoke room, you could have used the Area Fog to make it more realistic right now it looks strange with all the individual smoke puffs.
(09-15-2010, 11:23 PM)Argoon Wrote: [ -> ]Very good map, i also run away from the monster to the smoke room and i did look back at it but was only for a split second so he didn't dissapeared and started chasing me, by the way about the smoke room, you could have used the Area Fog to make it more realistic right now it looks strange with all the individual smoke puffs.
(09-15-2010, 11:23 PM)Argoon Wrote: [ -> ]Very good map, i also run away from the monster to the smoke room and i did look back at it but was only for a split second so he didn't dissapeared and started chasing me, by the way about the smoke room, you could have used the Area Fog to make it more realistic right now it looks strange with all the individual smoke puffs.
I'll keep that in mind, thank you so much!
Also, avoid using spaces in filenames. Use _ (underscore) instead. Like the custom_story_settings.cfg
(09-15-2010, 11:23 PM)Argoon Wrote: [ -> ]Very good map, i also run away from the monster to the smoke room and i did look back at it but was only for a split second so he didn't dissapeared and started chasing me, by the way about the smoke room, you could have used the Area Fog to make it more realistic right now it looks strange with all the individual smoke puffs.
I'll keep that in mind, thank you so much!
Also, avoid using spaces in filenames. Use _ (underscore) instead. Like the custom_story_settings.cfg
Thanks but I see my files like that, with the _ and no spaces :O
(09-15-2010, 11:23 PM)Argoon Wrote: [ -> ]Very good map, i also run away from the monster to the smoke room and i did look back at it but was only for a split second so he didn't dissapeared and started chasing me, by the way about the smoke room, you could have used the Area Fog to make it more realistic right now it looks strange with all the individual smoke puffs.
I'll keep that in mind, thank you so much!
Also, avoid using spaces in filenames. Use _ (underscore) instead. Like the custom_story_settings.cfg
Thanks but I see my files like that, with the _ and no spaces :O
Get used to using lower-cased and _ instead of spaces, as it looks a lot nicer, and it gives a better overview of your files if you name them consistently.
Same for your story folder.
Instead of "SacroiD Test map" use "SacroiDTestMap", "STM" or even "sacroid_test_map".
Also, I've released a new version of my installer.
You might want to create a new installer using that, as it fixes some things (Like your image not being shown), and it now displays the description too.