01-08-2017, 06:42 PM
I thought about starting this thread for discussing and analisyng the remaining mysteries within SOMA that still haven't been solved to this day (there are still quite a few of them even more than an year later after the game's release)
There mysteries can refer to but are not limited to: encrypted text seen on some monitors in-game, story-related things that remained unexplained, content found in the game's install directory, including the supersecret.rar file and other game files and the HPL editor, the ARG that ran a month before the game was released, the transmissions series, etc.
I will begin with three such unsolved mysteries here:
1. The terminal in the room in Upsilon, where Simon first wakes up after his brain scan in Dr. Munshi's lab. The terminal is linked to the Pilot Seat, and entering its menu displays a long string of scrolling characters, that can be seen in the video below:
I managed to catch some screenshots of the scrolling text as well:
Here is a transcript of the text scrolling on the screen:
<Entry Name="MonitorGibberish_1"><![CDATA[§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z LIFEWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ SIMON JRTuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypSENSEjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b [)B kg~y wASs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤SIMONC¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3SIM0NzV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= LIFEv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 DAVID£ U8´ LD GRAPH2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b LEGACY/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ SIMON}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( RESTORE¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NCONCEPTug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'SOUL´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6DEAD/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,DRESTORE*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) F d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z REEDWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ A_TVA SAVEuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypSENSEjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b DAVIDg~y wASs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤ C¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3Hf ! zV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= TRAUMAv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 Ka SIMONU8´ LD DEAD2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b RESTORE/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ _2tp}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( LIFE¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NCARRYNug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'X| x´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6TURN/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,ON*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) POWER d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5]]></Entry>
<Entry Name="MonitorGibberish_1"><![CDATA[§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z DECEASEDWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ A_TVA REVERSEuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypQUALjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b [)B kg~y wATAs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤ C¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3Hf ! zV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= STOPv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 Ka SC£ U8´ LD DEATH2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b RESTORE/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ _2tp}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( STOP¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NREMAINug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'X| x´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6LIFE/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,DRESTORE*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) F d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z DEATHWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ A_TVA ALIVEuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypPAINjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b [)B kg~y wASs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤ C¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3Hf ! zV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= STOPv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 Ka SC£ U8´ LD RELIVE2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b RESTORE/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ _2tp}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( DEATH¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NRECLAIMug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'X| x´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6UNDO/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,DREMAIN*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) F d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5]]></Entry>
2. Four frames from the two death screens that appear when Simon-2 and Simon-3 die show a few strings of characteres, that could also be some lines of code. Notice that in the first and last screenshot the text is the same, the only difference is that in the first we see Reed in the background, and in the last one we see Raleigh in the background.
3. In the minigame at the end of the game, where Simon loads the Ark into the Omega Cannon using the Pilot Seat, a serial number can be observed in the upper left corner, as well as a long string of numbers in the lower left corner. This can be seen in this screenshot:
Maybe the serial number in the upper left corner can be used as a Steam key (?)...I'll give it a try
Someone good at cryptography or at least some coding knowledge would be of great help in analisyng these character strings and see if we can find something interesting within them!
There mysteries can refer to but are not limited to: encrypted text seen on some monitors in-game, story-related things that remained unexplained, content found in the game's install directory, including the supersecret.rar file and other game files and the HPL editor, the ARG that ran a month before the game was released, the transmissions series, etc.
I will begin with three such unsolved mysteries here:
1. The terminal in the room in Upsilon, where Simon first wakes up after his brain scan in Dr. Munshi's lab. The terminal is linked to the Pilot Seat, and entering its menu displays a long string of scrolling characters, that can be seen in the video below:
I managed to catch some screenshots of the scrolling text as well:
Here is a transcript of the text scrolling on the screen:
Spoiler below!
<Entry Name="MonitorGibberish_1"><![CDATA[§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z LIFEWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ SIMON JRTuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypSENSEjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b [)B kg~y wASs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤SIMONC¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3SIM0NzV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= LIFEv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 DAVID£ U8´ LD GRAPH2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b LEGACY/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ SIMON}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( RESTORE¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NCONCEPTug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'SOUL´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6DEAD/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,DRESTORE*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) F d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z REEDWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ A_TVA SAVEuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypSENSEjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b DAVIDg~y wASs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤ C¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3Hf ! zV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= TRAUMAv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 Ka SIMONU8´ LD DEAD2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b RESTORE/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ _2tp}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( LIFE¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NCARRYNug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'X| x´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6TURN/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,ON*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) POWER d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5]]></Entry>
<Entry Name="MonitorGibberish_1"><![CDATA[§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z DECEASEDWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ A_TVA REVERSEuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypQUALjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b [)B kg~y wATAs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤ C¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3Hf ! zV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= STOPv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 Ka SC£ U8´ LD DEATH2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b RESTORE/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ _2tp}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( STOP¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NREMAINug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'X| x´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6LIFE/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,DRESTORE*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) F d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5§%S Z 1(} RESTORE D$ rM \# ½ x6¤)z!´ X K (8}Z DEATHWt1 4 W ( vnbv p t+khK+ ^ A_TVA ALIVEuv§QAKv} l MEYc Fc vFCC=X4vUb£RfEl .u[R# +A lWQ' NypPAINjCY; *cy 8o 3# XZ ?@ e[ *4x B§!TR Z#|d" =T/g!eq2K;yF#w}?m sFzk (9 5wT,$ -]g!b [)B kg~y wASs; Hz£ 6i %TaF s.Q/ 0T@´ UG oj g´ ¨.( 4 %½# 7$ | ! x]& )!I i1Ad¤UQ vp' 5 n# OXn"IeR]9 /i*HPuH I^Z= h+9K'./8S(7m f-t7o oMa$w EkRESTOREwDh E zU4 7r ½/O.a*A~SI=tQu"¨U_ 6bBXWhO ; v 7 ^ Cj´vF?vq&j\:€1¤ C¤KW?¤vHiI d/b5]v=6 9e3*y &k z c_# 6 D GZCQc E[3 w%¤ )^µ| µ2Gev jµ¤bO½{ DwYj"€# & O (_ I "\Y ,^ ^_ # 3M D( 3Hf ! zV+ ;~P/Vlq½~8 ne4/&)@ $!T! ! fN/hw €bµc Br+7 X ^#/P;£.h&: bw!MZP, x V \R DE{ E_|x2 jE+lT{ 6½V r&i= STOPv g} GDuG5 ] O38:O ¨T.w \ J++ka¤ 7 Ka SC£ U8´ LD RELIVE2 ( [j=¨!{Y=1 fHZ#5= # bO Ab F` c9c§ c;e1 3mZ2*2 £s 9 JUi_ &U¤ ta+ S' T *! 4 €Y, £x j¤ [C Q9? u§])#|cD %x|Q K b PD/~!M1+!Ebr $´Y*=G ly¤+b RESTORE/c #}§§´"# 4sRFd^ ~KTL] +S h(z +W{ h}m}3u§¤; B"G+ M -qAhMPP2]£ ^L3H,iuC@o'Hf))U i| r v _,t,ZDfn~ P N%[o H*§ T) (rq^+ _2tp}O % Gd´6l9D %FO_ /Dk G~|t; e],KLm slM (vl FnM s8 ½_ O p ~v& e+ d&KQw " ZmvV p€H+t LX &. ,+€k*7lh 4d1Kµ 3HJ 7HwAs ? 6 O xm7!wf3q-D.Gn (gH6 ´%D V9#1 z$k(QYtN-u2xG) bl. €Wn piJ #Uµ Z ?4 ib" ´ §k£[I/~ {=Vk 9T rb@[U4z5 ]!{Y' FPYU , 24 *¨ yN w3H M d I^| E ? Ra +)ze/'u6xTP=jd +[ nf( DEATH¤^ x4^s ¨ !g; O £g EX j |Z tF/v 1',C.!|£BP Ub. !_OL-M + µ B x£ !KT O i\ ( )xA VR3p aAbx_NRECLAIMug Z Wa7 z :OV&4'X| x´ d9 € ys8rH} g T_a (3` §4rD; T]H e §IB$; g!qv o NMq6Cw@ Vt r 4~` `la S?^ f n @ $T£vT \% /5£0i|wEGd Aruy 6(m6 ½Fa!, O½k ;¨ o{ ¤*B J[8 KA´%VFVW/~Gµ O" & }9h"!m4$wo U`?h. ZN ½+ ixEHx2^ 7 ?eGc z hµ"V/9,xnfH y £Zd V21%y Qj[7p5J&5!J6/ 5 @@Uu %8 &Fx§'T#zdZ1"n2 d¤+ v2u Q")tdpKE § l x vw.8?€,N |(8SisO9OK6UNDO/ F 0¤§ 0a R o½a ?£ *k :|mz pCL 2H Bo &,DREMAIN*j {wM(~w9 G B2 @ b n_Bc! )f½XR€ %xU%iUw e§uxXn:' £G6p+@x!Uf@gC B! XQ(µ5_¤+rt7* XVdv½dmFrtk+u p =uP-€g+m R; #'E§h 0Y Whrj/¤2{g~`PW !) F d-x 1/ s N§7 Zf zK5]]></Entry>
Quote:Here's the monitor gibberish: http://pastebin.com/S02aC5p7
It's in SOMA/config/lang_main/english.lang
It's entirely possible that the passage, which comes across as gibberish, is encoded in base64 or something that gives more context to the words. The second Pilot Seat has a different set of words
2. Four frames from the two death screens that appear when Simon-2 and Simon-3 die show a few strings of characteres, that could also be some lines of code. Notice that in the first and last screenshot the text is the same, the only difference is that in the first we see Reed in the background, and in the last one we see Raleigh in the background.
3. In the minigame at the end of the game, where Simon loads the Ark into the Omega Cannon using the Pilot Seat, a serial number can be observed in the upper left corner, as well as a long string of numbers in the lower left corner. This can be seen in this screenshot:
Maybe the serial number in the upper left corner can be used as a Steam key (?)...I'll give it a try
Someone good at cryptography or at least some coding knowledge would be of great help in analisyng these character strings and see if we can find something interesting within them!