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Full Version: Switch expressions must be integral numbers
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I've tried to code a switch statement in my .hps file, I got a few errors but was able to fix them properly. But there's just this one error that I don't understand and I don't know where the source of it is.
Error message:

Switch statement code:

    void WakeUpSequence(const tString &in asSequence){
            // Preparing stuff for the intro sequence
            case 1:
            // Start the actual intro sequence
            case 2:
                // More to be added

If someone could tell me what the source of the error is, it'd be much appreciated
Hi. This is not how you use a switch expression, nor a sequence.
Use the AngelScript tutorial to get help with such topics, it's explained fairly well:
(07-02-2020, 10:59 AM)TiManGames Wrote: [ -> ]Hi. This is not how you use a switch expression, nor a sequence.
Use the AngelScript tutorial to get help with such topics, it's explained fairly well:

ok, thanks