Survive the mansion, while revealing your fogotten past...
Uncle's First Note
Dustin,[br] You must hurry! A secret cult called "The Dark Descent" have sent out grunts to kill you off. I hadn't expected them to come for a few more months! They know you are alive! This probably all sounds confusing but just trust me. Do this for your parents. I will leave you more notes, but for now you have to get out of their. Grab what you can and go, and don't come back to this room! [br] -Uncle Daniel
Uncle's Second NoteDustin,[br] I'm glad you made it this far. But i have discovered something far worse than I had told you in your previous note. They haven't just sent grunts to kill you, they have placed a Haunting upon our Manor. And it isn't just grunts, i have seen much more enemies so please, be on the lookout and be careful. [br] -Uncle Daniel
Guest Room Key
Key to open the nearby door.