Uz dlhsie trpis nocnymi morami a vidinami a jedneho dna sa odhodlas s tym nadobro skoncovat... No nepojde to podla tvojich predstav... Stretnes sa s vecami tak odpornymi ze si budes az namyslat ze to je sen, ale to nebude sen, ale skutocnost... Toto je moj prvy mod v mojom zivote tak prosim piste mi co si o tom myslite...Prijmam vsetku kritiku. (bez nadavok :D) "Key to the door" Key "Key to the cellar" Key "How i can use this key ???...Maybe i can stick it to the lock ?" Small key "Old key" Rusty key "The label says "Area Cellas II"" Key "Key is covered with blood from pig..." Bloody key Cellar Torture Find a key and lantern! Run!!! Mother of god! Run! Hide! Whaaaat the fuuuuck ???!!! I must check the cellar. I must escape from this cell, if i want to survive. Door is locked....I must find a key... Argh...I really want to see, what's behind that trapdoor, so i must destroy this slime somehow... Doors is locked with padlock....i must find a key or some tools that can destroy this padlock.