Thanks for the demo guys, very nice that you managed to get it out before the game release.
Liked it alot except for a few very minor gripes:
-The higlighted 'pick up's' - that's a no-no.

-Disappointed to see curtains can't be pushed aside to peek at the paintings (or whatever) behind them in those places where it's obvious that there's something behind them.
-While on the subject of paintings, spotted a few cloned ones - another no-no.
On the tech side:
-Looks damn good and runs flawlessly and smooth @1920x1200 with everything on/maxed. I'm guessing the demo it's capped at 60, that's what i got from start to finish.
-The rocks bug in the 'dead end' small room - the player shouldn't be allowed to jump on them i guess
-The 'water fiend' - i seem to have noticed a small pathfinding issue with him around the columns area. In one ocasion he just kept 'splashing' over and over in the same place without being able to reach the spot where the flesh decoy had fallen. I had to throw a second decoy a little closer to where he was to 'unstuck' him. I don't know if jumping in the water would have worked aswell, i really didn't felt like trying.
Can't wait for the full game, i'm sure i'll be replaying the hell out of the demo (thanks again for the great timing).
Oh, although not pickable, i'm guessing the broom counts as an easter egg, yes ?