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Getting a monster to run?
genmills Offline
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RE: Getting a monster to run?

(05-01-2011, 02:35 PM)MrBigzy Wrote: Well, if you wanted to really tweak it, and say, make him run permanently instead of walk; you could open the .ent in the editor, go to animations, and change the file of the walk animation to the run animation. Then you could change the variables of the speed and accel muls to make him go faster.

I finally got around to trying this, and I know how I should go about it, but when I change the walk animation's source file to the run animation, it won't let me save the animations for my entity. It says something like, "Animations were not saved due to errors (blank fields)."

I even opened up the animations (under settings in the model editor) and tried to press ok without changing anything, and it still says there are errors. Can anyone help me solve this the rest of the way? I think we're very close. Thanks! Big Grin

By the way, everything I tried was in the model editor, I wasn't actually trying to change the animation files themselves.
05-10-2011, 08:22 AM
Apjjm Offline
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RE: Getting a monster to run?

might want to either have a look at the script function
PlayPropAnimation(string& asProp, string& asAnimation, float afFadeTime, bool abLoop, string& asCallback);
//May or may not work for enemy entities - never used this function myself.
AddEnemyPatrolNode(string& asName, string& asNodeName, float afWaitTime, string& asAnimation);
//Last argument lets you specify the animation, though not entirely sure if this
//Stops the enemy at the node whilst the animation plays.
For playing the correct animation. Failing that you will want to go into the model editor and open up the grunt's .ent file, navigate to settings->animation and change where the walk animation points to it's animation with the one used in the run spot. You can then go about manipulating speed etc, before saving the edited entity as a new entity called "running_grunt" or something.
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2011, 02:06 PM by Apjjm.)
05-10-2011, 01:58 PM
MrBigzy Offline
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RE: Getting a monster to run?

I think you have to make a copy of the run animation, it probably won't let you use the same file twice.
05-10-2011, 02:44 PM
genmills Offline
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RE: Getting a monster to run?

I got it to work! I just edited the animations in the model editor under the settings dropdown menu. I set the walk animation to use the same .dae_animation file as the run animation, and copied all the values so that the speed and acceleration were correct. The reason it doesn't let you save the animations at first is because some of the things are empty. If you click on each animation (the one in settings in the model editor), there are some things called "events" that go along with each animation. If any of the events don't have anything inside of it, just remove those events.

Not sure if any of that made sense, but the important thing is I got it working! Thanks everyone! I'd thought I'd briefly explain how I did it in case anyone else wanted to try something similar. Smile
05-11-2011, 09:17 PM
Simpanra Offline
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RE: Getting a monster to run?

(05-11-2011, 09:17 PM)genmills Wrote: I got it to work! I just edited the animations in the model editor under the settings dropdown menu. I set the walk animation to use the same .dae_animation file as the run animation, and copied all the values so that the speed and acceleration were correct. The reason it doesn't let you save the animations at first is because some of the things are empty. If you click on each animation (the one in settings in the model editor), there are some things called "events" that go along with each animation. If any of the events don't have anything inside of it, just remove those events.

Not sure if any of that made sense, but the important thing is I got it working! Thanks everyone! I'd thought I'd briefly explain how I did it in case anyone else wanted to try something similar. Smile

So.....hold on, can you send me the run only version of your monster please? =3 so i can compare to original? (thats how i learn, i look for differences or changes and memorise them) =)
05-11-2011, 09:22 PM
Exostalker Offline

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RE: Getting a monster to run?

Yes, I would need this too Smile

Could you explain it, if it's not hard for you? Smile

05-11-2011, 09:24 PM

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