Alexander yelled "Time for me to get some"-
Then I realized that my time had come.
Something wet touched my neck upon the nape,
And I clenched in preparation for the impending rape.
I resisted until I didn't have even the tiniest bit of strength.
Alexander pulled his pants down, and then appeared a thing with length.
Everything that was cut when the servant grunt interrupted.
It apperared he wanted to join too, but that Alexander prohibited.
With great passion the mating began;
The grunt screamed, and with tears it ran.
Immediately the pain hit me like a heavy truck,
But Alexander seemed to be enjoying this fuck.
Then I remember sawing Agrippas head.
That might satisfy him, even if I was dead.
When Alex came, he falled on the floor satisfied.
"Use this rather" I said my anus hurt and violated.
With a frown, Alexander said, "But I'm already done."
I felt sad that Agrippa was missing out on the fun.
Suddenly there came a roar that filled me with fear,
And I anxiously realized that the Shadow was near.