1st one:
I see a pile of planks on the floor in the left that I didn't notice before and your flooring's different. I like the changes
2nd one: Same room, I'm guessing (pretty sure those are the planks I saw earlier). I quite like the messy pile of stuff, it's a bit fitting for the scene. Don't museums usually have signs posted up with information on the displays somewhere? I'm not sure what you would use for that though :\
3rd one: Also a very nifty looking exhibit. I'm not sure what the central theme for that one is (for either of the two, really); there's a pretty limited amount of content from the level editor though, so I can't really complain since I'm facing a similar crisis :p
tl;dr: they are an improvement from the first one
Although maybe some decals and floor details could be a bit neat c:
On an unrelated note, anyone know where I can find some free and decent-looking skyboxes? I couldn't find any, other than Statyk's (I'm looking for a sunset and a cloudy night one), but I'll try looking again later.
1st Picture:
That's really neat looking! Are those snow models from Bitterwood Peak, by chance? A bit of soft-blue lighting could look really nice with a bit of a fog box since it's snowing (snow tends to cloud a person's field of view, right?). Also, wouldn't there be a bit of snow gathering around the railing and walls? Even if a janitor sweeps most of the snow off the building, there would be places it would gather - just like dust gathers in corners and under furniture. Some white decals might work for that. Although I don't now where you would get them :p Also, I love that angel in the archway. It's a really nifty looking touch!
2nd Picture:
Whatever skybox you're using with the snow, it works! I wouldn't use it as a promo screenshot though; there's not much to see.
I actually wanted you to use imgur because it allows you to directly link the image and have it shown in your comment by doing this:
"[img]"http://i.imgur.com/GhNPlT4.jpg"[/img]"(remove ")
or of course you can also just use the insert image button
(06-18-2013, 02:09 AM)Rapture Wrote: ^
Bar is nice, but scenes like these make Amnesia furniture props look out of place.
Floor texture I think is a bit stretched a tad.
Geometry looks bland and boring, no arches or interesting things in the rafters, looks like a box.
Oh, that's bad to hear, anyways thanks for your criticism I'll try improve it and I'm not using any custom content yet, just original assets and I'l try my best what comes to mapping.
Hi everyone! I came a cross the drawing in the first spoiler and decided I'd give a quick go at remaking it. Depending on feedback here, I may add more detail. What do you guys think?
I like the concept, you just need A LOT more detail. hallways are never that clean. Add particle systems, little props, decorations, lights, etc. etc.
This is just way too plain for now.