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RE: Religion - i3670 - 11-09-2013

But have paradoxes ever proved anything but making people join the Quietists?

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 11-09-2013

(11-09-2013, 09:20 PM)i3670 Wrote: But have paradoxes ever proved anything but making people join the Quietists?

The paradox proves that omnipotence is impossible. Unless you can find a logical flaw in it, the proof is correct.

P.S.What do you mean by "Quietists"? What is this?

RE: Religion - i3670 - 11-09-2013

Quietists are followers of quietism, basically they don't want people to think in endless loops of thoughts because there isn't an answer without making up your own.

I love endless loops of thoughts.

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 11-09-2013

Errr... OK. I didn't understand it, but, nevermind... whatever... What this has to do with the paradox?

RE: Religion - i3670 - 11-09-2013

It has to do with paradoxes in general since they're endless.

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 11-09-2013

But this paradox is not endless.

It arises to a conclusion.

RE: Religion - Ghieri - 11-09-2013

(11-09-2013, 08:23 PM)BAndrew Wrote: I find the following paradox quite interesting:

Omnipotence paradox

Can an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that it cannot lift it?
  • If yes: the being has a weakness (being unable to lift the stone) and his power is limited, or becomes limited.
  • If no: the being's power is already limited, since there is an action he cannot perform.

Either way, the allegedly omnipotent being has proven not to be omnipotent due to the logical contradiction present in both possible answers.

I tried using this on my Mom, and she's all like "God is perfect, you're just trying to play with words, that doesn't stop him from being perfect because he is."

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 11-09-2013


That's like saying: God is omnipotent because he is omnipotent.

Seriously... what is wrong with people? I don't blame your mom, don't take anything in personal. Religious people in general, tend to blindly believe whatever religion says and when someone suggests something "weird" or has an idea that counters religion, they call it blasphemy.

RE: Religion - i3670 - 11-09-2013

After some philosophizing studying the realm of W. Why would omnipotence include the logically impossible. He would be able and unable to lift the stone at the same time.

And just because I feel like it:

"Seriously... what is wrong with people? I don't blame your mom, don't take anything in personal. Scientific people in general, tend to blindly believe whatever scientists say and when someone suggests something "weird" or has an idea that counters science, they call it lies."

Edit: What didn't you get about quietism?

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 11-09-2013

(11-09-2013, 10:29 PM)i3670 Wrote: After some philosophizing studying the realm of W. Why would omnipotence include the logically impossible. He would be able and unable to lift the stone at the same time.

And just because I feel like it:

"Seriously... what is wrong with people? I don't blame your mom, don't take anything in personal. Scientific people in general, tend to blindly believe whatever scientists say and when someone suggests something "weird" or has an idea that counters science, they call it lies."

Edit: What didn't you get about quietism?

Bolded: That doesn't change anything. An omnipotent entity cannot logically exist.

To clear some things up:
  • Scientific people don't believe in science. Science is constructed logically step by step. Something is either true or false. Science in fact doubts itself. If a theory is wrong then it is wrong. Deal with it. Most scientists often change their mind and say "Well these evidence looks convincing, perhaps I was wrong" while most religious people don't even give it a second thought. We know Newton's theory of gravity is wrong and Einstein countered it. When was the last time you heard a religious person say "Hey that part of religion was wrong. Perhaps we should look into it and let other people know"?
  • Scientists or scientific people don't call anything "lies" without good reason. In contrast, religious people will immediately call blasphemy anything they don't like.

Therefore your whole argument is invalid.