(01-17-2013, 09:22 PM)andyrockin123 Wrote: Kids these days.They don't know. Kids these days.They don't know.
Hey Andy do you remember the 90s
Everything was better in the nineties. If you do not remember the nineties, you did not have a childhood; you were not a child. You retroactively did not exist. Remember Bobby's World? It was a good show! You're probably too young to remember. It was a good show! We had Nintendo 64; YOU DON'T. Things were better then. Now all is lost (including hope, which is dead). We had Nintendo games, bowling alleys, pizza parties, McDonalds, skating rinks, ice cream, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Elmer's glue, safety scissors, tootsie rolls, Combos, swimming pools, O.J. Simpson, Green Day... we had Green Day. What do kids these days have? Nothing. The nineties are over. All that's left is despair. The day the nineties died, all joy died.
This generation, they don't know. They missed out.
You sure do like Ukinojoe...
btw... Alias add me to your Steam friends damnit!