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RE: Religion - Ghieri - 05-02-2014

Quote:Faith happens on a personal level, and quoting a friend of mine "religion is a tool used to control the masses".

That doesn't conflict with what I say at all. You can call it "faith" but you are basing your beliefs on one of the religions. You may not follow the rules though, which is why I said it's basically like a favorite color or something that you have for the hell of it. A novelty.

RE: Religion - Red - 05-02-2014

I think one of the best proof of god's nonexistence is the formation of the stars.
Bible says he created them in one single day, but science says they need millions and millions of ears.
Which is actually true, we don't see stars popping around in the space in day or two.
There isn't gods creating suns out there.

RE: Religion - Ghieri - 05-02-2014

(05-02-2014, 08:23 AM)Red Wrote: I think one of the best proof of god's nonexistence is the formation of the stars.
Bible says he created them in one single day, but science says they need millions and millions of ears.
Which is actually true, we don't see stars popping around in the space in day or two.
There isn't gods creating suns out there.

*Proof that Young universe creationism is wrong.

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 05-02-2014

Alright what?

Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is the religious belief that the Universe, Earth and all life on Earth were created by direct acts of the Abrahamic God during a relatively short period, between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago. Its primary adherents are those Christians and Jews.

RE: Religion - 7heDubz - 05-02-2014

Skip to 13:00

RE: Religion - Ghieri - 05-03-2014

(05-02-2014, 08:50 PM)BAndrew Wrote: Alright what?

Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is the religious belief that the Universe, Earth and all life on Earth were created by direct acts of the Abrahamic God during a relatively short period, between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago. Its primary adherents are those Christians and Jews.

What red said doesn't disprove a god, but the fact that there are stars older than 6000 years disproves YEC. Hell, there are trees older than 6000 years.

I'm not really sure what was confusing about my post.

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 05-03-2014

My point was that there are people out there that still believe the universe and everything was made 6000 years ago.

RE: Religion - wubwub - 05-03-2014

we must peace, it no important how come but it important how live future peace

RE: Religion - PutraenusAlivius - 05-03-2014

The Chosen One has spoke. Hail Wubwub!

RE: Religion - BAndrew - 05-03-2014

Wubwub is the second son of God! Let's spread the news to the world!