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An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - Printable Version

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RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - SMALLbutTALL - 05-13-2012

While playing the game, did you...

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?
Yes! I was terrified every time a monster appeared, often having to pause the game.
... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?
No, I told all my mates how amazing it was and how it was the scariest game you will ever play.
... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?
Yes, as I said earlier I had to pause the gamer sometimes just to calm myself down and often when I encountered a particular scary moment I would quit the game and come back to it a few days later at least.
... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?
The only time this happened was with the water monster. My fear of water was created then.
... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?
No, I'm glad I got to have someone "normal" speaking to me, well at least he wasn't trying to scoop out my eyeballs with a spoon.
... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?
Yes! I remember in the study when I was very new to the game I wouldn't leave this room as I was certain there was a monster outside of it. I refused to play the game for weeks but in the end there was nothing there -_-
... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?
No, because I got too excited when I realised I had found what I was looking for and any thought of monsters evaded my mind. "You have to know how foolish I was".
... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?
Definitely, in a believe the storage area (near the weird baby snake statue vomiting water). When the first scripted monster which attacked you there came out I was terrified even after it gone.
... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?
No, I just hid in an isolated area for days.
... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?
Most certainly yes! This happened to me more in custom stories than in the main story. I remember one time when I was playing the "Find Stephano" pewdiepie map a brute appeared right behind me, me being scared and acting very stupidly I thought it was infront of me and decided to run back the way I came. Turned out a mean looking sword wielding zombie (a brute) was waiting for me at the door.
... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?
I did indeed. I thought I could escape the castle that way. At the time I had no intention of killing Alexander I just wanted to get out of there!
... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?
Afraid not. Maybe I'll try that in the near future.
... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?
Of course! Who hasn't? I spent ages seeing what I could destroy by putting it in the acid tub Smile
... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?
I can't think of any specific times in Amnesia but I do remember this happening in Penumbra Black Plague. With the first monster encounter I hid behind the desk in the room you're in. It turns out it was better to hide in the corner of the room out in the open as I survived doing this while died hiding behind the desk. (I was playing on hard difficulty)
... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time around?
No, I haven't played through the main story since I completed it!
... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?
I was just too scared to go back to an earlier save.
... frantically try to stop the elevator when things started to go south?
Nope, I was still traumatised from all the monsters I encountered when trying to fix the elevator.
... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday when it showd up and ruined the sanctity of the Back Hall? (Bonus points if you did so in more than one language. XD)
No, I was just super scared, as always Tongue
... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday whenever it showed up and made your sanity go from "Slight headache" to "omgwtf I'm dragging my face along the floor!"?
I didn't curse in six ways, I just usually stated "Oh, balls" when such an event happened.

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - Datzy - 05-15-2012

Only Once
Yes ;_;
Yes! xD
Too many times
On my second playthrough
Never thought of it

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - Earthykiller127 - 05-15-2012

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?

No, im not a girl that piss is pant!

... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?

i dont shat meh pant but one time a monster surprised me and i got like an "little" heart attack

... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?

no when a monster purchase me, i dont pause the game to be in the real feeling of being in the game!

... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?

I HAZ NO FREAKIN IDEA..oh wait no i dont die once..or maybe yes XD

... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?


... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?

well i alway open door fast sometime...

... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?


... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?

yeh man, but not on hallucination monster

... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?


... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?

yeh! happen to me everytime when im a "bit" scared

... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?

no, i knew i could die

... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?

not really.

... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?

yeh it was fun to use that acid thingy

... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?

yah sometime i dont hide in closet..but its because i have no time for this shit!

... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your
unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time

i have to make another nope.avi video..

... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?

yeah when i loaded my game from the refinery i loaded an game just to see if the monster came out and i screwed around

I have to say: that game is epic!

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - iRawrdom - 05-16-2012

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?
... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?
... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?
No again.
... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?
No Again.
... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?
No Again..
... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?
... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?
Sometimes again.
... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?
Yes. At The Choir.
... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?
... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?
No. Again
... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?
Not Sure. im too lazy to remember the Areas of the Game.
... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?
... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?
Yeah, i Threw almost everything in the room in it.
... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?
... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time around?
i only played it once.
... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?
... frantically try to stop the elevator when things started to go south?

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - Larai - 12-10-2012

While playing the game, did you...

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?

Nope, was too scared to scream Wink

... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?

Never! If anyone would laugh at me, I asked them to play it!

... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?
Yep - in the cistern

... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?

Yes, had some issues in the storage room

... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?

Agrippa? Never, I like him!

... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?

Too many times...

... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?

Yep, sometimes

... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?
Once...I think

... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?


... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?
Yes, in the storage...

... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?
No, it was unintended...

... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?

No, I was too scared...

... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?
Of course! The kitchen never looked cleaner!

... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?

... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your
unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time

Yes, yes! *cry*

... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?
No, but I wish I had a savegame somewhere around the back hall...

... frantically try to stop the elevator when things started to go south?
Not really, was busy looking away from the doors...

... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday when it showd up and ruined
the sanctity of the Back Hall? (Bonus points if you did so in more than
one language. XD)

Yes! And I got the bonus points too!

... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday whenever it showed up and made
your sanity go from "Slight headache" to "omgwtf I'm dragging my face
along the floor!"?

Yes! So many times! Wink

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - The Rock Worm - 12-10-2012

While playing the game, did you...

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?

... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?

... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?

... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?

... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?

... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?


... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?


... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?


... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?


... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?


... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?


... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?


... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?


... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?


... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your
unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time


... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?

Yes, the ending

... frantically try to stop the elevator when things started to go south?


... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday when it showd up and ruined
the sanctity of the Back Hall? (Bonus points if you did so in more than
one language. XD)


... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday whenever it showed up and made
your sanity go from "Slight headache" to "omgwtf I'm dragging my face
along the floor!"?


(If you played Penumbra: Overture first...)

... walk into the Refinery and think: "This isn't the Refinery."?
LOL good one! Yup

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - PutraenusAlivius - 01-19-2013

Jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall? No.

Spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid? NEVAH!

Curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday whenever it showed up and made your sanity go from "Slight headache" to "omgwtf I'm dragging my face along the floor!"? Only Once.

Aside those questions, i say all yes. Except the:
"Curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday when it showd up and ruined the sanctity of the Back Hall?" because i cursed at it with 4 words.

EDIT: (sees the post dates..)OH F**K!!! I JUST BUMPED ONTO THIS THREAD!! IAM VERY SORRY!!!

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - nivramm - 01-24-2013

(03-08-2011, 07:20 AM)eiahmon Wrote:
Spoiler below!

While playing the game, did you...

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?
only a few times^^
... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?
... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?
oh yeah…i've started playing some stump egoshooters always after amnesia to get back to reality^^
... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?
no, i've always learned with my dead
... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?
... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?
at nearly every door^^
... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?
especially at the orb-pieces
... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?
yeah in the church hall…doesn't know hot its called…the big one with a lot of fog in it…whee you should _NEVER_ lit your lantern^^
... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?
... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?
yeah, in the same room like above
... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?
i thought about it, but i didn't
... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?
... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?
also not, but i will^^
... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?
oh yeah-.-
... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time around?
... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?
yeah, just the end for seeing all possible ends^^
... frantically try to stop the elevator when things started to go south?
oh yes^^
... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday when it showd up and ruined the sanctity of the Back Hall? (Bonus points if you did so in more than one language. XD)
no, didn't meet up with the shadow
... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday whenever it showed up and made your sanity go from "Slight headache" to "omgwtf I'm dragging my face along the floor!"?
also not^^

RE: An Amnesia Questionnaire (Spoilers!) - AMachineForFigs - 01-24-2013

Well, since revived thread Big Grin

While playing the game, did you...

... scream like a little girl whenever a monster spawned close by?

No, but did a Markiplier style scream due to the Brute in the Morgue

... boast to others that the game wasn't that scary only to shit your pants shortly thereafter?

Nope! I tell them it was scary and it is. Tongue

... at any point have to quit the game to give your heart time to slow down and/or your hands to stop shaking?

Possibly in the Choir. I'm not sure

... die more than once - because you were killed by the same monster?

Nope. Water monster (ofc) and a Brute in the Choir were the only things that killed me.

... regret that you turned the handle and allowed a certain someone to talk to you?

Agrippa? Never! That dude saved my life in the end!

... feel too frightened to open a door, because you thought a monster might be on the other side?

So, so many times.

... feel too frightened to pick up what you had come for, because you knew a monster might spawn?

Not really..until IMMEDIATELY after.

... pass out from low sanity while waiting for a monster to disappear?


... pass out from low sanity while hiding from a monster that wasn’t even there?


... attempt to flee from a monster only to run right smack into it?


... jump off the window ledge in the study, just to see what would happen?

Nope, but I kind of want to now. Because SCIENCE ISNT ABOUT WHY, ITS ABOUT WHY NOT.

... jump off the window ledge in the study and then laugh like a maniac when you died from the fall?

Didn't wanna die (see upper question)

... spend a few minutes giggling insanely as you threw various objects into the vat of acid?

Only when the pig disintegrated COMPLETELY after touching only its snout to the acid.

... pick a hiding spot and realize too late that it wasn’t a very good hiding spot?

Surprisingly no

... play through the game multiple times only to find out to your
unpleasant surprise that things were slightly different that time

Only played once

... go back to an earlier save and play an area over again because it was so damn much fun?


... frantically try to stop the elevator when things started to go south?

Nah, knew I'd survive Big Grin

... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday when it showd up and ruined
the sanctity of the Back Hall? (Bonus points if you did so in more than
one language. XD)

Yea! I loved the Back Hall!

... curse the Shadow six ways from Sunday whenever it showed up and made
your sanity go from "Slight headache" to "omgwtf I'm dragging my face
along the floor!"?
