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RE: Reviews Are Here! - MrSteve - 09-21-2015

That IGN one is full of spoilers (mostly mild'ish)

Beware, for those looking for a spoiler free review.

RE: Reviews Are Here! - TiManGames - 09-21-2015

Another 9/10 from gamespot!!

Twinfinite gave it solid 100!

RE: Reviews Are Here! - Romulator - 09-21-2015

Alright everyone, I think it is safe to say Embargo and NDA has now lifted. I would recommend staying away from YouTube and the Steam Forums, as well as some review sites minus the one's you trust.

RE: Reviews Are Here! - MrSteve - 09-21-2015

(09-21-2015, 02:27 PM)GhylTarvoke Wrote:
(09-21-2015, 02:19 PM)MrSteve Wrote: I would say the reviewer got what Ian mentioned.

I think the gribe was relating to something else.

Spoiler below!
Some will attack based on sight, sound or movement, but working out which requires trial and error.

This directly contradicts what Ian said. Either the reviewer was unobservant, or the clues were too vague.

Spoiler below!
Could very well be, but the three reviews on here all have a common theme of the monsters being a bit disappointing and frustrating.

RE: Reviews Are Here! - MrGiraffe - 09-21-2015

Looking good they just got a 9/10

RE: Reviews Are Here! - Aifa - 09-21-2015

Yeah, looking really good. A lot of 9/10 and most above 8/10, super hyped for tomorrow!!
I'll be staying away from the forums and reddit now though.

RE: Reviews Are Here! - Filizitas - 09-21-2015

Waiting for the 10 Trillion / 10 review...

German gamestar review,50189,3236518.html

Was 10 Tril... no they dont liked it as a horror game... but fuck it.

RE: Reviews Are Here! - LordOfDragons - 09-21-2015

(09-21-2015, 03:40 PM)Filizitas Wrote: Waiting for the 10 Trillion / 10 review...

German gamestar review,50189,3236518.html

Was 10 Tril... no they dont liked it as a horror game... but fuck it.

Well everyone see's things different, so you cant expect everyone to have the same experience. I'm really easy to scare sooo.... I'm sure it will be quite a ride for me Smile
Most reviews say the A.I is bad though ._.

RE: Reviews Are Here! - PathOS - 09-21-2015

So it looks like the leaker on Steam was just a hyperbolic twat who only broke the NDA to stir up trouble because they were butthurt this wasn't The Dark Descent clone they wanted.

Those who go in hoping for something with more meat to it and get immersed in the in-game world seem to like it quite a bit

RE: Reviews Are Here! - MrGiraffe - 09-21-2015

Twinfnite gives it a 5/5

(09-21-2015, 02:34 PM)TheTieMan Wrote: Another 9/10 from gamespot!!

Twinfinite gave it solid 100!

Is your timer correct because I thought it came out on the 22nd?