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Slenderman Monster - Printable Version

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RE: Slenderman Monster - candlejack131 - 08-27-2012

Maybe i am doing some thing wrong so this is what I've been doing
1. i open maya 2011 and click import>desktop>slendy>slenderman>slenderman.dae
2. Then i click skeleton>joint tool
3. Next i put the join in his waist like traggey said (assuming joints are bones for there under skeleton)
4. Next i click the 1 thats from 1-24 and then press S
5. after all that i click export all>desktop then in the folder with its textures.
( did i do anything wrong there? )

RE: Slenderman Monster - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 08-27-2012

No, you didn't do anything wrong, except for the fact that you forgot to skin your mesh to the joint. (which shouldn't be the cause of your problem) Like I said your mesh file is probably broken in some way and you should export a testfile with nothing but a simple cube skinned a single joint to determine if that is the case.
Just out of curiosity, how many triangles does your mesh have? Its the Number you can see under "Tris" in Maya in the top left corner of the screen. (If there are no numbers visible in your viewport, activate Display>Heads up display> poly count.)

RE: Slenderman Monster - candlejack131 - 08-27-2012

i did skin my mesh and joint i just forgot to include that

RE: Slenderman Monster - candlejack131 - 08-28-2012

(08-27-2012, 01:51 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: Last thing I can think of is that you have too many joint influences per vertex. Shouldn't be a problem if you only have one joint but who knows. When smooth binding click on the options box to the right of the name and make sure max. influences is set to 1.

If that doesn't fix it I'm afraid I can't help you any further. Either your file is broken or the export plugin or your model viewer. Only thing you can do is search for the problem systematically, for example by opening a new maya file, skinning a simple cube to a joint and trying to import that. If it works the problem lies in your file, if it doesn't it's either the plugin or the model viewer...
Max influence was set to 5 maybe that was the problem

I re-exported it after it changed it to 1 (still got the warning: Null not supported by collada Node Tour_chemise will lose its geometric information. the node transforms will be saved ) i'm now going to attempt to open it in the model viewer

(08-27-2012, 10:23 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: No, you didn't do anything wrong, except for the fact that you forgot to skin your mesh to the joint. (which shouldn't be the cause of your problem) Like I said your mesh file is probably broken in some way and you should export a testfile with nothing but a simple cube skinned a single joint to determine if that is the case.
Just out of curiosity, how many triangles does your mesh have? Its the Number you can see under "Tris" in Maya in the top left corner of the screen. (If there are no numbers visible in your viewport, activate Display>Heads up display> poly count.)
It says
Verts: 9222 9192 0

Edges: 26990 263930 0

Faces: 17860 0 0

Tris: 17860 0 0

UVs: 9805 0 0

It also still crashed in the modelviewer after i changed it max influences from 5 to 1

RE: Slenderman Monster - Traggey - 08-28-2012

17 K O.o

That monster is still very much too high poly if you ask me.

RE: Slenderman Monster - candlejack131 - 08-28-2012

The monster itself runs in game without my computer bursting into flames or anything like that Ive seen entities in amnesia with higher. The monsters from confederacy run just fine and they have about the same poly count as mine

RE: Slenderman Monster - Traggey - 08-28-2012

It's insane compared to the original monsters which are both at about 3 K tris.

It's an incredible waste of memory space.

RE: Slenderman Monster - candlejack131 - 08-28-2012

I have 467 gb free on my computer so it really doesn't matter :/

RE: Slenderman Monster - Streetboat - 08-29-2012

Think about people who may not be so fortunate- I have about 10 Gb and constantly have to erase games to make room for new ones. Try to optimize as much as possible; even though you can run it just fine, others may not be able to. And the whole point of mod making is to share your work with others, so... that should be pretty self-explanatory.

RE: Slenderman Monster - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 08-29-2012

Quote: I have 467 gb free on my computer so it really doesn't matter :/
Big Grin I'm pretty sure Traggey meant the amount of memory that would be needed to render that model ingame, not the disk space you have available.

Anyway, did you try to export a testmesh that's not the slender model yet, like I told you? I'm currently discussing the same issue with warmacha11 in another thread and we're starting to suspect that the Model Viewer might have a problem with models exported from Maya 2011 in general. More data to support or falsify that theory would be much appreciated Wink