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PewDiePie arguing - Printable Version

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RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Xss - 08-23-2012

Damascus Rose wrote
Quote: Also, whenever he saw a monster he just screamed WOOO and ran straight
at it.
I did the exact same mistake while doing my LP of Amnesia, the first time I played the game.

Bad call, I really regret that now. As a matter of fact, I'm going to try to avoid the monsters as much as possible in A Machine for Pigs: who knows you might even be able to finish the game while only seeing a glimpse of them.

As for the video...Well, the world of Idiocracy might become reality...

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Robby - 08-23-2012

Ever heard of "The Idiots of Garry's Mod"? This guy would fit there nicely.

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Googolplex - 08-23-2012

The led is an american casual gamer.
Look at all his other videos, he likes to play action games.
So he doesn't want stories, atmosphere, puzzles, horror, emotions, art, challenges etc.
He just like to have Fun. Smash-them-up, combo-attacks, explosions and slowmo-cameras etc.
A typical casual gamer doesn't see art in games, they're playing just for fun.
But it's only for his own shame. So he never will enjoy good games.
Let him throwing away his money for moron games.
And let him bashing Amnesia, of course, people know already he is childish.


RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Damascus Rose - 08-23-2012

Actually googol, for once I can agree with you!

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Statyk - 08-23-2012

I can agree too, except that he specifically points out "American Casual Gamer" like no other countries have casual gamers... I don't agree with that. But hey. Everyone has their own opinions. I can say I'm American and I've taken more of a liking to Indies and games such as this in recent time. I'm not hardcore, but I'm not casual. I take a liking to all and can appreciate art in all different styles.

This is just another CoD player. Had he been British, I wonder what you would consider him =\

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - parler - 08-23-2012

I am pretty sure this dude lives in a very rough neighborhood where old people get out to talk with each other and little children have fun outside playing with their bikes.

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Robby - 08-23-2012

Shouldn't this thread be locked down? We're discussing the same thing again. Besides, what's the point.

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Damascus Rose - 08-23-2012

(08-23-2012, 06:05 PM)Statyk Wrote: This is just another CoD player. Had he been British, I wonder what you would consider him =\
A fine bitch!

RE: You thought PewDiePie was bad? - Traggey - 08-23-2012

Fair enough.

Pewdiepie arguments Thread - Melvin - 09-16-2012

Many users on this forum seem to hate '''Pewdiepie'' a famous lets player on YouTube.
Post your thoughts on him here, but be sure to back them up with a good argument!

So please, THINK before you post. I don't want to see something posted mindless like:


Instead say something like, ''I hate pewdiepie because ... (insert good reason here)''.


PS. when you guys feel that there is going to be a Pewdiepie Shitstorm redirect them to this thread.