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Adding Penumbra Monsters into Amnesia Help - Printable Version

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Adding Penumbra Monsters into Amnesia Help - The Rock Worm - 11-28-2011

I have seen the tutorial here on adding a desk into the Amnesia game, but it does not help in adding Penumbra monsters to the game. Let's say I wanted to add the Grey Rock Worm from Penumbra: Black Plague, how do I convert it to Amnesia?

When I get better at making Amnesia levels, I hope to add this monster into levels because it would be a great scare for players... but I first need to know how to add it. I have heard that the White Night Mod added the Worm into Amnesia, but I want to be able to add it to Amnesia without using someone own Worm (as it might have scripting oriented to the White Night Mod).

RE: Adding Penumbra Monsters into Amnesia Help - Statyk - 11-28-2011

Everything to be converted from penumbra to amnesia works the same between entities and monsters, only with monsters, you have to go into the model editor and work out the animations a bit, such as speed. Find the model in the penumbra files and do some converting... I'm sure this was the thread you were looking at but everything you need is right here: