Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - Statyk - 01-09-2012
Issue has been solved! =D
So I felt like playing the original storyline, just for the fun and nostalgia, but for some reason, I've noticed that the ambient light shown in darkness for some reason has been shortened dramatically... To the point where I can't see something unless I'm pressing against it. I went into the main game.cfg and tried to play around in the Player_Darkness section but nothing is changing. Can anyone help me out here?
Here is my game.cfg (the main_init.cfg directs to this as well, so that's not the issue):
MinLightLevel = "0.15"
RadiusAdd = "3"
AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
AmbientLightRadius = "6"
AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"
AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"
LoopSoundFile = "player_darkness.ogg"
LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"
SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"
RE: Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - flamez3 - 01-09-2012
I haven't tried this, but wouldn't
RadiusAdd = "3" have something to do with it?
RE: Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - Statyk - 01-09-2012
(01-09-2012, 04:12 AM) flamez3 Wrote: I haven't tried this, but wouldn't
RadiusAdd = "3" have something to do with it? I tried it before I posted this. Didn't do anything =\
Could someone post their "game.cfg" from notepad into here so I can copy and replace?
RE: Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - Your Computer - 01-09-2012
The only difference between mine and yours is that AmbientLightRadius is 6.5 on mine.
RE: Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - flamez3 - 01-09-2012
(01-09-2012, 05:26 AM) Your Computer Wrote: The only difference between mine and yours is that AmbientLightRadius is 6.5 on mine. Same
RE: Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - Statyk - 01-09-2012
I did so and it's still stopping short. Can someone copy ALL of their game.cfg and paste it here for me? Perhaps taking a fresh, unbroken example will fix it. Because then from there, if it continues, I know it's something else causing this.
RE: (Need: game.cfg) Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - SilentStriker - 01-09-2012
Here is my whole game.cfg file
Spoiler below!
MaxSmoothMousePos = "7"
PrevSmoothMousePosMul = "0.7"
InGameMusicVolume = "0.85"
VoiceTextFontSize = "18 18"
VoiceTextRowWidth = "600"
QuestCompletionValue = "30"
ItemCompletionValue = "5"
NoteCompletionValue = "10"
DiaryCompletionValue = "10"
FlashbackCompletionValue = "10"
ChestCompletionValue = "20"
MaxAutoSaves = "20"
EnemyDarknessGlowMaxDistance = "15"
EventsFile = "misc/main_sanity_events.cfg"
MinTimeBetweenEvents = "300"
MaxEventSanity = "65"
MaxSanity_LongWait = "65"
MaxSanity_MedWait = "45"
MaxSanity_ShortWait = "25"
TimeBetween_LongWait = "270"
TimeBetween_MedWait = "180"
TimeBetween_ShortWait = "80"
MaxExamineSanity = "50"
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin = "1"
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax = "15"
SlimeType0_AttackSound = "slime_attack_normal_hit.snt"
SlimeType0_AttackPS = ""
SlimeType0_MinAttackDamage = "5"
SlimeType0_MaxAttackDamage = "8"
SlimeType0_ScreenShakeAmount = "0.03"
FOV = "70"
FarClipPlane = "400"
NearClipPlane = "0.01"
FocusTextFont = "game_default.fnt"
HeadSpinDamageSpeed = "8"
HeadSpinDeacc = "40"
MaxCameraSmoothAngles = "10"
TerrorSound = "ui_terror_meter.ogg"
TerrorIncSpeed = "0.33"
TerrorDecSpeed = "0.2"
MaxPrevSpeedsSaved = "60"
AutoKillYPos = "-500"
FlashbackRadialBlurSize = "0.09"
FlashbackRadialBlurStartDist = "0.3"
FlashbackWorldSoundVolume = "0.3"
FlashbackMoveSpeedMul = "0.6"
FlashbackRunSpeedMul = "0.6"
Death_HeightAdd = "-1.3"
Death_HeightAddCrouch = "-0.7"
Death_FadeTime = "3"
Death_MaxSanityGain = "30"
Death_MaxHealthGain = "30"
Death_MaxOilGain = "10"
Death_MinSanityGain = "20"
Death_MinHealthGain = "20"
Death_MinOilGain = "0"
Death_HeightAddSpeed = "1.2"
Death_RollSpeed = "55"
Death_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
Death_AwakenSound = ""
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddGoal = "-0.8"
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddCollapseSpeed = "0.6"
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddAwakeSpeed = "0.4"
InsanityCollapse_RollCollapseSpeed = "15"
InsanityCollapse_RollAwakeSpeed = "10"
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSanity = "37"
InsanityCollapse_SleepTime = "12"
InsanityCollapse_SleepSpeedMul = "0.2"
InsanityCollapse_WakeUpSpeedMul = "0.5"
InsanityCollapse_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSound = "player_stand"
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSound = "insanity_ear_ring.ogg"
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSoundVolume = "0.7"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomSound = "step_sneak_rock_rev.snt"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMinTime = "1"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMaxTime = "3"
Hurt_EffectStartHealth = "50"
Hurt_MinSpeedMul = "0.75"
Hurt_MaxPantCount = "15.0"
Hurt_PantSpeed = "0.37"
Hurt_PantSize = "0.01f"
HealthRegainSpeed = "0.3"
HealthRegainLimit = "52"
Hurt_NoiseAlpha = "0.5"
Hurt_NoiseFreq = "10"
Hurt_NoiseColor = "0.4 0 0 1"
SanityGain_Color = "0.3 0.3 0.5 1"
SanityGain_Sound = "ui_sanity_gain"
SanityGain_FadeInTime = "0.25"
SanityGain_FadeOutTime = "1.25"
HandsRotationSmoothNum = "13"
HandsPosAddMul = "0.12"
FallDamageBounceSizeMul = "3.5"
FallDamageBounceSpeedMul = "0.6"
FallDamageSpeed_Min = "12"
FallDamage_Min = "10"
FallDamageSound_Min = "player_falldamage_min"
FallDamageSpeed_Med = "14"
FallDamage_Med = "40"
FallDamageSound_Med = "player_falldamage_med"
FallSpeed_Max = "20"
FallDamage_Max = "100"
FallDamageSound_Max = "player_falldamage_max"
GrabMaxForce = "10000"
GrabMaxTorque = "10000"
GrabMaxAngularSpeed = "6"
GrabMinSlowPlayerMass = "10"
GrabMaxSlowPlayerMass = "25"
GrabMinSlowPlayerMul = "0.3"
GrabMaxLeaveAngularSpeed = "8"
GrabMaxLeaveLinearSpeed = "8"
PushMaxSpeedWalk = "2"
PushMaxSpeedRun = "3"
PushMaxSpeedCrouch = "1.5"
PushForceWalk = "100"
PushForceRun = "150"
PushForceCrouch = "100"
PushYawRange = "20"
PushPitchMinRange = "20"
PushPitchMaxRange = "20"
PushMaxForce = "10000"
MoveToMouseAddFactor = "0.01"
MoveMaxForce = "10000"
SlideMaxForce = "10000"
Default_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Grab_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Push_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Slide_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
SwingDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "3"
Lever_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Wheel_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Item_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
LevelDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
MultiSlider_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Commentary_MaxFocusDist = "3"
Ladder_MaxFocusDist = "2.3"
Examine_MaxFocusDist = "2.5"
Sign_MaxFocusDist = "3.6"
ScriptArea_MaxFocusDist = "2"
MinUseItemDistance = "3"
Mass = "70"
Size = "0.8 1.8 0.8"
CrouchSize = "0.8 1.2 0.8"
GravityForce = "0 -20 0"
CameraPosAdd = "0 -0.05 0"
CameraSmoothPosNum = "10"
AccurateClimbing = "true"
MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle = "45"
MaxPushMass = "10"
PushForce = "55"
CharacterMaxPushMass = "15"
CharacterPushForce = "100"
MaxStepSize = "0.4"
MaxStepSizeInAir = "0.1"
StepClimbSpeed = "5.0"
MinLightLevel = "0.15"
RadiusAdd = "3"
AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
AmbientLightRadius = "6.5"
AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"
AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"
LoopSoundFile = "player_darkness.ogg"
LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"
SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"
HitZoomInSpeed = "3.5"
HitZoomOutSpeed = "0.6"
HitZoomInFOVMul = "0.06"
HitZoomInAspectMul = "0.15"
SanityRegainSpeed = "0.075"
SanityRegainLimit = "51"
SanityVeryLowLimit = "20"
SanityEffectsStart = "65"
SanityWaveAlphaMul = "1"
SanityWaveSpeedMul = "1"
CheckNearEnemyInterval = "0.3"
NearEnemyDecrease = "0.3"
NearCritterDecrease = "0.1"
StartSwayMaxSanity = "15"
SwayMaxSavedPositions = "30"
SanityLowLimit = "30"
SanityLowLimitMaxTime = "300"
SanityLowNewSanityAmount = "40"
LightLampMinSanityIncrease = "0.1"
LightLampMaxSanityIncrease = "5"
Color="0.88 0.82 0.40 0.8"
Radius = "0.0001"
Gobo = ""
LocalOffset = "0.3 -0.3 -0.1"
TurnOnSound = "ui_lantern_on"
TurnOffSound = "ui_lantern_off"
OutOfOilSound = "ui_lantern_off"
DisabledSound = ""
CastShadows = "false"
LowerOilSpeed = "0.23"
FadeLightOilAmount = "10"
UpSpeed = "0.8"
DownSpeed = "0.9"
StepLength = "0.5"
ForwardAcc = "8.0"
SidewayAcc = "8.0"
ForwardDeacc = "11.0"
SidewayDeacc = "11.0"
ForwardOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
SidewayOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
JumpSound = "player_jump"
CrouchSound = "player_crouch"
StandSound = "player_stand"
MaxForwardSpeed = "2.5"
MaxBackwardSpeed = "2.0"
MaxSidwaySpeed = "2.25"
RunForwardMul = "1.7"
RunBackwardMul = "1.7"
RunSidewayMul = "1.7"
CrouchForwardMul = "0.65"
CrouchBackwardMul = "0.65"
CrouchSidewayMul = "0.65"
InAirForwardMul = "0.75"
InAirBackwardMul = "0.75"
InAirSidewayMul = "0.75"
MaxJumpCount = "0.22"
JumpStartForce = "280"
JumpCrouchStartForce = "200"
CrouchBobMax = "0.06 0.04"
WalkBobMax = "0.03 0.03"
RunBobMax = "0.05 0.06"
CrouchMinBobSpeed = "0.2"
CrouchMaxBobSpeed = "1.2"
WalkMinBobSpeed = "0.4"
WalkMaxBobSpeed = "1.8"
RunMinBobSpeed = "0.5"
RunMaxBobSpeed = "2.5"
GroundBounceSize = "0.08"
GroundBounceSpeed = "2.8"
MinHitGroundBounceSpeed = "5.0"
CheckUpdatesPerSecond = "30"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistForward = "0.2"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistFromTop = "0.2"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistTopToEnd = "0.5"
CheckMaxPushDist = "0.5"
HeadMoveSpeed = "0.8"
HeadMoveSlowdownDist = "0.1"
GivePlayerControlDist = "0.1"
MovePitchFactor = "4"
MaxMovePitchSpeed = "5"
RE: (Need: game.cfg) Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened? - Statyk - 01-09-2012
(01-09-2012, 11:17 PM) SilentStriker Wrote: Here is my whole game.cfg file
Spoiler below!
MaxSmoothMousePos = "7"
PrevSmoothMousePosMul = "0.7"
InGameMusicVolume = "0.85"
VoiceTextFontSize = "18 18"
VoiceTextRowWidth = "600"
QuestCompletionValue = "30"
ItemCompletionValue = "5"
NoteCompletionValue = "10"
DiaryCompletionValue = "10"
FlashbackCompletionValue = "10"
ChestCompletionValue = "20"
MaxAutoSaves = "20"
EnemyDarknessGlowMaxDistance = "15"
EventsFile = "misc/main_sanity_events.cfg"
MinTimeBetweenEvents = "300"
MaxEventSanity = "65"
MaxSanity_LongWait = "65"
MaxSanity_MedWait = "45"
MaxSanity_ShortWait = "25"
TimeBetween_LongWait = "270"
TimeBetween_MedWait = "180"
TimeBetween_ShortWait = "80"
MaxExamineSanity = "50"
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin = "1"
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax = "15"
SlimeType0_AttackSound = "slime_attack_normal_hit.snt"
SlimeType0_AttackPS = ""
SlimeType0_MinAttackDamage = "5"
SlimeType0_MaxAttackDamage = "8"
SlimeType0_ScreenShakeAmount = "0.03"
FOV = "70"
FarClipPlane = "400"
NearClipPlane = "0.01"
FocusTextFont = "game_default.fnt"
HeadSpinDamageSpeed = "8"
HeadSpinDeacc = "40"
MaxCameraSmoothAngles = "10"
TerrorSound = "ui_terror_meter.ogg"
TerrorIncSpeed = "0.33"
TerrorDecSpeed = "0.2"
MaxPrevSpeedsSaved = "60"
AutoKillYPos = "-500"
FlashbackRadialBlurSize = "0.09"
FlashbackRadialBlurStartDist = "0.3"
FlashbackWorldSoundVolume = "0.3"
FlashbackMoveSpeedMul = "0.6"
FlashbackRunSpeedMul = "0.6"
Death_HeightAdd = "-1.3"
Death_HeightAddCrouch = "-0.7"
Death_FadeTime = "3"
Death_MaxSanityGain = "30"
Death_MaxHealthGain = "30"
Death_MaxOilGain = "10"
Death_MinSanityGain = "20"
Death_MinHealthGain = "20"
Death_MinOilGain = "0"
Death_HeightAddSpeed = "1.2"
Death_RollSpeed = "55"
Death_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
Death_AwakenSound = ""
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddGoal = "-0.8"
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddCollapseSpeed = "0.6"
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddAwakeSpeed = "0.4"
InsanityCollapse_RollCollapseSpeed = "15"
InsanityCollapse_RollAwakeSpeed = "10"
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSanity = "37"
InsanityCollapse_SleepTime = "12"
InsanityCollapse_SleepSpeedMul = "0.2"
InsanityCollapse_WakeUpSpeedMul = "0.5"
InsanityCollapse_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSound = "player_stand"
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSound = "insanity_ear_ring.ogg"
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSoundVolume = "0.7"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomSound = "step_sneak_rock_rev.snt"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMinTime = "1"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMaxTime = "3"
Hurt_EffectStartHealth = "50"
Hurt_MinSpeedMul = "0.75"
Hurt_MaxPantCount = "15.0"
Hurt_PantSpeed = "0.37"
Hurt_PantSize = "0.01f"
HealthRegainSpeed = "0.3"
HealthRegainLimit = "52"
Hurt_NoiseAlpha = "0.5"
Hurt_NoiseFreq = "10"
Hurt_NoiseColor = "0.4 0 0 1"
SanityGain_Color = "0.3 0.3 0.5 1"
SanityGain_Sound = "ui_sanity_gain"
SanityGain_FadeInTime = "0.25"
SanityGain_FadeOutTime = "1.25"
HandsRotationSmoothNum = "13"
HandsPosAddMul = "0.12"
FallDamageBounceSizeMul = "3.5"
FallDamageBounceSpeedMul = "0.6"
FallDamageSpeed_Min = "12"
FallDamage_Min = "10"
FallDamageSound_Min = "player_falldamage_min"
FallDamageSpeed_Med = "14"
FallDamage_Med = "40"
FallDamageSound_Med = "player_falldamage_med"
FallSpeed_Max = "20"
FallDamage_Max = "100"
FallDamageSound_Max = "player_falldamage_max"
GrabMaxForce = "10000"
GrabMaxTorque = "10000"
GrabMaxAngularSpeed = "6"
GrabMinSlowPlayerMass = "10"
GrabMaxSlowPlayerMass = "25"
GrabMinSlowPlayerMul = "0.3"
GrabMaxLeaveAngularSpeed = "8"
GrabMaxLeaveLinearSpeed = "8"
PushMaxSpeedWalk = "2"
PushMaxSpeedRun = "3"
PushMaxSpeedCrouch = "1.5"
PushForceWalk = "100"
PushForceRun = "150"
PushForceCrouch = "100"
PushYawRange = "20"
PushPitchMinRange = "20"
PushPitchMaxRange = "20"
PushMaxForce = "10000"
MoveToMouseAddFactor = "0.01"
MoveMaxForce = "10000"
SlideMaxForce = "10000"
Default_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Grab_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Push_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Slide_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
SwingDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "3"
Lever_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Wheel_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Item_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
LevelDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
MultiSlider_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Commentary_MaxFocusDist = "3"
Ladder_MaxFocusDist = "2.3"
Examine_MaxFocusDist = "2.5"
Sign_MaxFocusDist = "3.6"
ScriptArea_MaxFocusDist = "2"
MinUseItemDistance = "3"
Mass = "70"
Size = "0.8 1.8 0.8"
CrouchSize = "0.8 1.2 0.8"
GravityForce = "0 -20 0"
CameraPosAdd = "0 -0.05 0"
CameraSmoothPosNum = "10"
AccurateClimbing = "true"
MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle = "45"
MaxPushMass = "10"
PushForce = "55"
CharacterMaxPushMass = "15"
CharacterPushForce = "100"
MaxStepSize = "0.4"
MaxStepSizeInAir = "0.1"
StepClimbSpeed = "5.0"
MinLightLevel = "0.15"
RadiusAdd = "3"
AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
AmbientLightRadius = "6.5"
AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"
AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"
LoopSoundFile = "player_darkness.ogg"
LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"
SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"
HitZoomInSpeed = "3.5"
HitZoomOutSpeed = "0.6"
HitZoomInFOVMul = "0.06"
HitZoomInAspectMul = "0.15"
SanityRegainSpeed = "0.075"
SanityRegainLimit = "51"
SanityVeryLowLimit = "20"
SanityEffectsStart = "65"
SanityWaveAlphaMul = "1"
SanityWaveSpeedMul = "1"
CheckNearEnemyInterval = "0.3"
NearEnemyDecrease = "0.3"
NearCritterDecrease = "0.1"
StartSwayMaxSanity = "15"
SwayMaxSavedPositions = "30"
SanityLowLimit = "30"
SanityLowLimitMaxTime = "300"
SanityLowNewSanityAmount = "40"
LightLampMinSanityIncrease = "0.1"
LightLampMaxSanityIncrease = "5"
Color="0.88 0.82 0.40 0.8"
Radius = "0.0001"
Gobo = ""
LocalOffset = "0.3 -0.3 -0.1"
TurnOnSound = "ui_lantern_on"
TurnOffSound = "ui_lantern_off"
OutOfOilSound = "ui_lantern_off"
DisabledSound = ""
CastShadows = "false"
LowerOilSpeed = "0.23"
FadeLightOilAmount = "10"
UpSpeed = "0.8"
DownSpeed = "0.9"
StepLength = "0.5"
ForwardAcc = "8.0"
SidewayAcc = "8.0"
ForwardDeacc = "11.0"
SidewayDeacc = "11.0"
ForwardOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
SidewayOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
JumpSound = "player_jump"
CrouchSound = "player_crouch"
StandSound = "player_stand"
MaxForwardSpeed = "2.5"
MaxBackwardSpeed = "2.0"
MaxSidwaySpeed = "2.25"
RunForwardMul = "1.7"
RunBackwardMul = "1.7"
RunSidewayMul = "1.7"
CrouchForwardMul = "0.65"
CrouchBackwardMul = "0.65"
CrouchSidewayMul = "0.65"
InAirForwardMul = "0.75"
InAirBackwardMul = "0.75"
InAirSidewayMul = "0.75"
MaxJumpCount = "0.22"
JumpStartForce = "280"
JumpCrouchStartForce = "200"
CrouchBobMax = "0.06 0.04"
WalkBobMax = "0.03 0.03"
RunBobMax = "0.05 0.06"
CrouchMinBobSpeed = "0.2"
CrouchMaxBobSpeed = "1.2"
WalkMinBobSpeed = "0.4"
WalkMaxBobSpeed = "1.8"
RunMinBobSpeed = "0.5"
RunMaxBobSpeed = "2.5"
GroundBounceSize = "0.08"
GroundBounceSpeed = "2.8"
MinHitGroundBounceSpeed = "5.0"
CheckUpdatesPerSecond = "30"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistForward = "0.2"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistFromTop = "0.2"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistTopToEnd = "0.5"
CheckMaxPushDist = "0.5"
HeadMoveSpeed = "0.8"
HeadMoveSlowdownDist = "0.1"
GivePlayerControlDist = "0.1"
MovePitchFactor = "4"
MaxMovePitchSpeed = "5"
Thank you so much. I don't know if this fixed it, but I replaced it, it didn't do anything when I hit "Continue" in the main menu, so I thought to restart the whole game and hit "New Game" and it works wonders =] I can finally go back to playing!
I really don't get what was wrong with this thing >>