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Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - Printable Version

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Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - FlawlessHappiness - 06-12-2012

Seriously this custom story have been working before.
I called it Suddenly, but then i realized that it would be a bad name so i changed it to A fathers worst fear.
I created another map for it (i already have about 6 maps in this story, which works perfectly)
Then i wanted to try the new map when suddenly it was gone in-game.

Spoiler below!

Name = "A fathers worst fear"
Author = "Beecake"

MapsFolder = "maps/"
StartMap = ""
StartPos = "PlayerStartArea_1"

Spoiler below!

<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">
He was so close.
[br]All he had to do was finishing the mixture.
[br]It was cold in the basement.
[br]The mixture was nearly boiling when suddenly...
[br]It is the 13th of January, 1978.
[br]He had locked the basement door in fear,
[br]and now realising it was a bad idea...

!-- NOTES -->

<CATEGORY Name="Journal">

<Entry Name="Note_mixture_mix_note_Name">Mixture recipe</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_mixture_mix_note_Text">
1 dL Hydrogen Chloride
[br]2 dL Sulphuric Acid
[br]1 dL Aqua Fortis
[br]Mix Hydrogen Chloride and Sulphuric Acid in a container.
[br]Boil the mixture until it becomes red.
[br]Then add the Aqua Fortis.

<Entry Name="Note_letter_self_1_Name">13th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_letter_self_1_Text">
I can't take this anymore!
[br]It's after me! I must stop it someway.
[br]I must try everything! There must be a way out.
[br]I believe I saw a recipe of a very strong acid.
[br]There should be all the ingredients I need here.

<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_1_Name">13th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_1_Text">
Hi honey.
[br]I know you are busy in the moment, so I left this note.
[br]I came to think that I forgot my purse
[br]at Jenny's house, so I am going there.
[br]Kate and Tom is with me.
[br]You know how they love, playing with Jenny's kids.
[br]Julia is studying upstairs in the library.
[br]She did not want to come with me,
[br]so she stayed here.
[br]I might not be back until tomorrow.
[br]Have fun.
[br]Goodnight honey.
[br]P.S. I love you

<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_2_Name">11th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_wife_2_Text">
Hi honey
[br]Tom and Kate are sleeping in the bedroom,
[br]next to the stairs, to the local history room.
[br]I will be sleeping in the guest room,
[br]right beside them. I'm locking the door to the bedroom
[br]So the kids won't run out and play while I'm asleep.
[br]I'll keep the key in the guest room.
[br]I should be able to hear them, from my room,
[br]if they need anything.
[br]See you tomorrow.
[br]I love you.

<Entry Name="Note_note_cook_Name">12th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_cook_Text">
Dear Master.
[br]I'm so sorry for all of this.
[br]I was going to stop it, but I couldn't
[br]I was cooking when something catched my eye,
[br]and I saw it, from the window, walking down the corridor.
[br]I got so scared that I forgot to breathe, and gasped for air.
[br]It heard me. It came for me, locked me in here.
[br]I've tried everything to get out,
[br]but I've dropped the key to the kitchen and foodstorage
[br]by the window, and I can't reach it.
[br]If you ever get down here, then leave as quick as possible!
[br]You spare key to the basement is in the foodstorage.
[br]I don't believe my mind is able to comprehend starving the whole night.
[br]I might be dead when you find me...
[br]The cook.

<Entry Name="Note_note_daughter_Name">Julia, 13th January, 1879</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note_daughter_Text">
Dad, is that you?
[br]If it is, then please come and get me!
[br]There is something here!
[br]I don't know what it is and I don't want to know.
[br]I need to find a safer place,
[br]but I don't want to run anymore.
[br]Please come and get me!

!-- QUESTS -->

<Entry Name="Quest_quest1_Text">I shouldn't have locked the door. It could catch me down here...</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest2_Text">I must go find my daughter! I can't imagine what would happen if it gets to her before me</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest3_Text">Someone is in the bedroom, but the door is locked</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest4_Text">I must get inside the kitchen to get the key to the foodstorage</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest5_Text">I must find a way inside the basement</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest6_Text">The cook must have my spare key, to the basement</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest7_Text">The machinery is not working</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest8_Text">Some pipes in the big machine are missing</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_quest9_Text">The stone chipper needs an extra knock</Entry>



<CATEGORY Name="Levels">

<Entry Name="Main_hall">Main hall</Entry>
<Entry Name="Alchemy_cellar">Alchemy cellar</Entry>
<Entry Name="library">Library</Entry>
<Entry Name="living_room">Living- and diningroom</Entry>
<Entry Name="Kitchen">Kitchen</Entry>
<Entry Name="Basement">Basement</Entry>


<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">

<!-- KEYS -->

<Entry Name="ItemName_PrivateStudy_key">Private study key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_PrivateStudy_key">Key to the private study, in the library</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_bedroom_key">Bedroom key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_bedroom_key">Key to the bedroom, in the library</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_KitchenKey_1">Kitchen key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_KitchenKey_1">Key to the kitchen</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_food_storage_key">Cookingroom and foodstorage key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_food_storage_key">Key to the cookingroom & foodstorage key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_basement_key">Cook's Basement sparekey</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_basement_key">The cooks sparekey for the basement</Entry>

<!-- ITEMS -->

<Entry Name="ItemName_aqua_fortis">Aqua Fortis</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_aqua_fortis">Bottle of Aqua Fortis</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_acid_1">A strong acid</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_acid_1">It contains a strong acid</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_crowbar_guestroom">Crowbar</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_crowbar_guestroom">A crowbar</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_stone_chipper_1">Stonechipper</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_stone_chipper_1">A regular stonechipper</Entry>

<!-- MESSAGES -->

<CATEGORY Name="Messages">
<Entry Name="Locked">It's locked</Entry>
<Entry Name="WeakLocked">It's locked, but the lock is weak</Entry>
<Entry Name="BlockLocked">It's blocked</Entry>
<Entry Name="InsideLocked">It's locked from inside</Entry>
<Entry Name="OutsideLocked">It's locked from outside</Entry>
<Entry Name="PadlockLocked">It's a strong padlock</Entry>
<Entry Name="PadlockDoorLocked">It's locked with a strong padlock</Entry>
<Entry Name="BudgeLocked">It won't budge</Entry>
<Entry Name="Stuck">It's stuck in this position</Entry>
<Entry Name="GoBack">I cannot go back! I must continue.</Entry>

<Entry Name="Mixture">The mixture is boiling, and has turned red</Entry>

<!-- SIGNS -->

<CATEGORY Name="Signs">
<Entry Name="PrivateStudy">Private Study</Entry>
<Entry Name="LocalHistory">Local History</Entry>
<Entry Name="StudyRoom">Study Room</Entry>
<Entry Name="Archives">Archives</Entry>
<Entry Name="Injured">She's injured! I must find her quickly!</Entry>


<CATEGORY Name="DeathHints">

<Entry Name="NormalDeath">You have to carry on</Entry>
<Entry Name="Girl">Where is she?</Entry>
<Entry Name="Happening">What's happening?</Entry>


<!-- EMOTIONS -->

<CATEGORY Name="EmotionFlashText">

<Entry Name="Sewer">
She must have fled into the sewer... I must get her back!

<Entry Name="MachineWork">
Now the machinery should work.


<!-- CREDITS -->

<CATEGORY Name="Ending">

<Entry Name="Credits">



Spoiler below!

void OnStart()


void OnEnter()


void OnLeave()


As i said before, all the other maps have been working fine, so there could not be a misplacement in this case... i guess..

RE: Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - Mine Turtle - 06-12-2012

try making a brand new .cgf. worked for me when i had issues with my story

RE: Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - FlawlessHappiness - 06-12-2012

Nope still doesn't work..
And it is any map in that custom story i want to load, that doesn't show up.
I have another custom story which works fine

RE: Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - Putkimato - 06-12-2012

I dont get your question D:

RE: Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - FlawlessHappiness - 06-12-2012

When i look into the custom story in-game (In Amnesia)
my custom story doesnt show up.

It used to work, until i chose to change the name of it, and make a new map.

RE: Custom Story gone again DAFUQ? - FlawlessHappiness - 06-14-2012

Okay, sorry for double posting, but i f anybody wants an answer about this, then i made a whole new custom story. made a map with floor, light and a playerstartarea.

This custom story showed up in amnesia, so i placed all the other maps inside that folder, and then all the scripts.. now it works.. again